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Come one! Come all!

Welcome to the world's most magnificent show guild on earth Gaia.

So, by our name you can tell we are Otaku Obsession. This guild exists for the anime/manga fan and community. We even do Roleplaying!
[I know that I, for one, am a personal fan].

Here's the low down. To join this guild all you have to do is send me [xxredmoonxx], the owner of this establishment, frozenmarionette, or any of the other officers a PM with these simple questions filled out:

[Okay. I admit, some of these may not be "questions" per say]

Your favorite anime/manga [you can send more than one. I know that I have more than one]:
How ofter are you on Gaia? [Include if there are certain days that you are on more than others or if you can't be on some days]:
Do you RP?:
What lever RPer are you? [Literate, semi-literate, not-so-literate]:
Are you going to be faithful to this guild? What would you do?:

We would appreciate if you are active. I understand that events pop up that cause you to be away for days. Drop me a PM if that's the case.

Guidelines [unlike in Pirates of the Caribbean, these "guidelines are required to be followed].

    -Be tolerant
    We allow all orientations in this guild, be they bisexual, heterosexual, homosexual or celibate. [Not saying that anyone is partaking in sexual activity]. So if you do not like the "gays" then I don't advise you to join. We have a forum dedicated to such materials.

    -No cybering. Need I remind you of the Gaia ToS? No content above PG-13. Kthx.

    -Be active
    As said before, drop me a PM if you will be incapable of getting on for several days. If your inactive for a week or more you will be promptly kicked out. You will be PMed two times[or more] warning you of the danger.

That just about sums us up in a nutshell. Oh, by the way, title the PM you send us: Mad as a Hatter.
Enjoy! User Image