Welcome to the Webcomics (and Other Internet Stuff) Guild! This guild is a unique blend of webcomic artists and fans as well as fans of other genres of entertainment. Feel free to discuss anything related to webcomics, webtoons, machima, anime, manga, gaia, video games, the Internet in general, movies, ect... Also, feel free to create your own topic on something that interests you. (if we don't have a thread for it in the first place) We wanna know what your favs are b/c most likely, someone else loves it too. We also have some pretty cool threads in existance, and sometimes throw parties and have contests too.

Webcomic artists, feel free to create your own thread, advertise your webcomic and get feedback. Also be sure to send a message to the Capt'n or a Mod and have your comic added to our masterlist as well. The first part of our masterlist is dedicated to webcomics created by our own members and we would like that list to grow.

Again, welcome! We hope you like it here and will sign up today!