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Death, The Pale Cold, The Grim Reaper...

Known by many names, but mistaken in their purpose. The Reapers come to claim those who have passed. Easing them, soothing them, guiding them through the afterlife, there is nothing more important to a soul than that of their Reaper's calling, their Reaper's duty, their Reaper's role.


~ In a small blaze of light, your consciousness suddenly veers into existence, faded and blurred memories wiping away from you as you try to look up from the empty space you seem to be floating in. Your vision is blurry, and everything around you is glowing white, with no walls or ends in sight. In front of you, you see a blurred silhouette of what appears to be a woman gently pulling her hand away from your forehead, and you feel your consciousness fading back out. "It is done, the contract, complete..." A voice rings in your ears as the figure slowly backs away from you. The voice is the sweetest thing you've ever heard, echoing your very soul and filling you with unexplainable awe. As the voice trails off, the silhouette fades, and the white all around you fills you until you can't feel or see anything else, and then your consciousness fades just as fast quick as it appeared.

In the next waking moment, you wake in a black luxurious car, as it traverses into the mortal world, suddenly appearing in the streets of Jamsil City in New Kyoto. You do not remember who you are, or how you got there, the only thing you know for sure is that you died, and have taken on new employment, you are to be a Reaper. ~