-- The Ultimate Battle Guild! ---

From the captain:
Welcome aboard to the PfP Wars. This guild is dedicated to battles and Table Top style RPG's. With the new PfP System devoloped by the Vice Captain and I, almost all battles in this guild should be fun for every type of player, from "txt" Gaians to Advanced, from newbie Rpg'ers to Veterans.

It's simple, PfP simply stands for "Post for Post". Meaning each post made is in response to the previous post made (quite obvious eh?). The only difference is is that it takes full advantage of the Gaian Dice System and kicks it into over drive, meaning "god-modding" is basically gone in this guild. So no worries of any cheaters.

Unlike other battle guilds/systems I've seen, this system takes little time to learn and little time to post up, keeping everything in only 1 post. You can read and learn the basics and put it into action in the Newbie Fights Sub-forum. But if you want to get advanced with character creations and RP's/RPG's, creating your own Games, or joining into tournaments or other games, take the time to understand all of the rules posted on the site. And don't worry, I'll have different levels for each player. Meaning that the 1st level is for people new to the guild and the system and any higher levels are for people who almost, or completely understand the system.

So all in all, if you think this guild is just awesome. Come join the Fun! And advertising for us would really help kick starting this guild. This is a public guild, so feel free to post something that you have in mind, or test out the system with another person!

Thanks for viewing!

From the vice captain:
If you're reading this, then I expect that you have some interest in the going-ons of this guild. Firstly, let me assure you that some hard thought has gone into making this system - and we've been developing it on and off for many months now. Even if you aren't too interested in RP, I suggest that you take a look anyway - we've created an innovative system of using gaia's dice to create a great battle system! If you are worried about the seemingly emptiness of the guild, the captain's recently cleared the forums to make room for you. We've made a great start with this, and hope that you'll be here to enjoy the experience when we're finally finished with the battle system.
Vice captain signing out.

If you wish to join the guild, just submit a request detailing where you heard about us, and a short line or two saying why you want to join.

Guild Affiliates:

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