We are all unique in some way. But are we all on the same side?


You are entering this guild at a risk. A fun, adventurous risk. When you enter the forums, make sure to read the rules and follow them and ask me via PM if you have any questions. (I'm Allibeepbeep by the way)

This city seems normal to all the visitors. There are schools, parents, troublemakers, good kids, all of what you would expect. But then, there's also what you don't expect. The freaky uniqueness. What can bring them together and tear them apart.

You have a name. An age. You are either normal, or not. If not, you have an ability. That ability relies on one thing alone that anybody has ever known of.

Practice. And to get practice, you either fight, or help. You decide. And when you have an ability you are marked.

When you reach a higher level, I, the leader of the guild, will announce it to everyone, and you will get "marked" again. (But you can describe the mark in any way you want. They are like tattoos. I'd encourage you to start small.

Where will you go next?