The plains reaches down from high mountains. A canyon comes from one part. Another is ravaged by fire constantly. One territory lies in some rocky hills with sparse vegetation. The other lays in a small dip surrounded with thick forest. The center lake has an island in the very middle. Can you help your clan survive?

1. Follow Gaia ToS.
2. Keep it PG-13. If you want to do anything more, take it to the PMs.
3. Mild swearing is allowed. Just no dropping the F-bomb every two words. That just gets annoying to read.
4. This is a literate roleplay. No using *s, -s, or any other symbols to show action.
5. Discus with me any issues, questions, comments, or requests. Also, if you want me to ban or kick someone just because you don't like them or your character, I won't. I need a valid reason and proof that they did it before I decide.
6. Please keep forums on topic. No OOC chat in the RP. I will make forums for it.