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Made by Your little bunny
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Made by [[Crystal Ann]]
Flyff: Fly For Fun ©Gala-Net, INC & Aeonsoft, INC. All Rights resevered

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Made by Chibi_Neko_Sakura
+--:>[[[___Updated 4/20/07]
  • 1. Keep topics PG-13 [Follow Terms of Service]
  • 2. No flamming
  • 3. No begging for Gaia gold.
  • 4. Reframe from making duplicates of threads that you have already posted and that are still on the first page.
  • 5. Do not post in threads that haven't been posted in for more then a hour.[AKA Necroing]
  • 6. Don’t bump in the main forum only bump in the sticky.
  • 7. Stay on topic with Sub-forums
  • 8. Never ever post your FlyFF password here (even if it is a joke).
  • 9. Obey the Vice Captains,failure to follow will not be tolerated.
  • 10. Just try not to do anything stupid,you know how to behave.If you don't just don't whine if you get kicked out of the guild for being stupid
  • 11. Please do not complain to us mods if we don't keep up with the FlyFF game announcements such as new items and events.They are on FlyFF you go learn to go there. ^^
  • 12. Please don't put any scary pictures in your siggy if you're gonna join,it makes people uneasy and ever going back to the thread
  • 13.Please don't spam the main forum with boredness or just random things D: please use the chatterbox for that.

User Image
Made by Superier
We are not liable for FlyFF's updates,new events,and item tracking. If you miss an event or something PLEASE DO NOT BLAIM US.

+---:>About you getting Banned
If you get banned it's probably because you never posted for over 5 months.This is NOT a guild just to add to your collection of guilds you're in.So please post,do not whine.It's not my fault for just joining a guild and never posting.What the hell would that be about?Also if you were just invited by AKTSUKO because you're one of her closesest friends then that's okay