Soldier's be ready for anything, Never give up and Stand up for yourself.

Here are the Rules of Irish Army Forces

*If you are in this guild you MOST join RNM our Biggest Allie*

*Respect the guilds Allies*

*Listen to all orders*

*Never attack a civilian*

*Never Attack a Enemy without them attacking you first or if I gave you the order*

*You MOST be active*

There will be more rules later in the guild.

Красный нации Военно (R.N.M.)
US Navy S.E.A.L's Fireteam Alpha

To join, you need to fill in the following:

-Why do you wish to join
-Your roleplay character's name (First and Last, not your real life name)
-What branch you are applying for (This allows us to put you into a branch once you start)
-Position/job you are applying for (Rifleman, recon, etc.)