Home page is currently under construction!

Hello, and welcome to the Teen LGBT guild! Our guilds mission is to provide youth who are LGBT members with support and help, but also offer a large family like environment and insure our members are having fun too.

Our guild is as our name says. Teen LGBT. Our guild requisites are that you must be at least be thirteen year old to join and no older than twenty one. These as not the only rules. The other ones are like any other guild. Be respectful, active and do not lie about things such as your age. Absolutely no topics of sex will be accepted. If we catch you sending messages to members of a sexual nature, a ban will be issued immediately. You will then be reported to Gaia administration.

Future planning for the guild has started to take place. New ideas such as member of the month, awards for outstanding achievement and rewards for earning such titles will be discussed with captain Morgana. We also want to hear things that our members would like. You have a voice here, feel free to use it! But don't abuse it! Some ideas we would like to hear about are
- New Role Play ideas
- Future Guild Changes
- Contests
We can't hold this guild up without our members. It's up to you. Do you want to make this guild change for the best?

There are a couple of things we need you to include in your join request before submission. These things are:
- Name
- Age
- Reason for join request
- Sexual orientation
- How do you want to help benefit the guild?

We want to display your talent on the homepage! Submit yours today!

User Image
Artwork by Renkon Root.


Guild News:
The guild home page is getting a make-over. We are going to add new features and cool, shiny and flashy things to make it look nice! We also added the Talent section. Want to display your talent? Show it to us! Poems, artwork and videos are all acceptable!