Here are some temporary graphics until we come up with ideas
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Graphics credited to Le Beldam. Made with Photoshop CS3. Questions about tools or fonts? feel free to ask.
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We welcome to Your Spirits Destiny. We are still a new guild and are still continuing to blossom. We would love for you to help us do so. We are an account improvement guild to help you achieve your goals. The main idea of starting a guild is to meet new people with something we all love, good items for cheap. This guild is basically a Raffle. We hope to turn it into something more with your help and suggestions.

If you have any questions please contact our Captain or Vice Captain. We will be happy to answer any questions. We will take all Ideas into consideration and would love to hear them from you. We need all the help we can get, so please, we would love your participation.
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Tickets cost 800 gold. We have a mule account (Your Spirits Destiny-Mule) where you initiate the trade for your raffle ticket. Once the trade is complete, you will receive a number through a PM. If you do not have your settings set in a way where we can not PM you, you will not get your raffle ticket. So please, either add our mule account as a friend or make sure your settings are appropriate. We have a random number generator so that the decision is fair. For right now, the raffle dates will not be exact until we know the number of tickets that will be given out and have at least 50 members. (This number may change with increased activity.) On the date of the draw, we will send an announcement with the winning number and user name. Then your items will be received.
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There will be an inactivity sweep. If you do not make a guild post in a 2 week period, you will be swept. If you are going to be inactive for more than 2 weeks, please, let our Vice Captain know. If you are swept, you are always welcome to join again. (: