User Image Welcome friends, i hope you consder joining, i have tons ofrp story lines to unleash on your flesh.......i mean creative minds. So much so that this guild will contain several places to hold all of your squishy souls...i mean creative genius. There will be forums to hold art literature. Even discussion forums to let you conversate amoungst yourselves. You can set up your own profiles and even post your own rp ideas. So please kick off your shoes take a load off and dim a light, unlock your doors no evil zombies are outside. Its time to enter the "Den" will you be bold and WICKED enough to come inside. The Witch Doctor Voodoo awaits you, no goat heads please i just cleaned the carpet.

Anywho inside there lies art galleries, fresh role plays, contest and a place to show your colors off. I need those with skin oh so thick and hearts oh so deep, im begining to quesiton if you simpletons are ready for such a setting of creativity and yore. If you think you are ready to stomach whats inside and create untill your fingers fall off then welcome. However if you think otherwise......well then. This is a place for the active and those who enjoy having fun. A welcome all weather i know you as a friend or not come to make friends. Come to have some relaxing time and expel the world around you...for a short period of time anyway.

-Ehehehehe Welcome to the Den All !