xxxxxx The Writer's Club Housexxxxxxxxx

The Writer's Club House accommodates every type of Author, Poet, Role player, and so much more!

The WCH may be the right guild for you! Invite all your friends too! Come see what the fun is all about!

In the application, also please inculde you're best work of art(: Whether it's a short story or a poem, we would love to read what you created! BUT don't worry! In this guild, there's no such thing as a "Denied Application." So please! Join now!

Gaian Age:
Type of Genre you write:
How long have you been a writer?

There are different types of Sub-Forums that can appeal to everyone which include a forum for: all original short stories/chapters, poetry, Roleplaying, and contest! BUT that's not all! Just check out all the forums we have!

Please send all donations to The WCH Mule. Not the guild please(: