Welcome to Complete Control

Release your Desires

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Welcome to Complete Control - a guild for the darker side of love.

Join our roleplay in The Market and indulge your secret passions, match yourself with your perfect pet or master, and take a walk on the dark side.

Feel Complete Control.

Guild Captain:

DeathDealer Tacane

In an exciting developement, we now have a New Off-Site Forum!

It's currently in larval stages, but please join us and roleplay there as well as here. Much easier for us cats to handle.

And Now A Slightly More Kitty Note

Some Rules

-As specified in the Gaia ToS, please, nothing overtly sexual over the forums. If you want to play through, either go to a private thread or the PMs. We don't need it here.

-Language and gore are alright. Please don't take it to the extremes.

-Please, we like to think we have some writing standards. Grammar, punctuation, etc are expected. Please use some sort of spellcheck, we all need to be able to read it. This means you, Captain.

-We can't all be slaves and pets here. We need some masters.

-Abuse of other members (which here means "treating them like crap outside of fetishism" wink is strictly not allowed. You will be banned and possibly reported.

-Speaking of crap, please, no copraphilia. That is, scat and watersports. Or bestiality (don't worry - nekos, etc are still permitted!) for that matter. I'm pretty much the one modding the roleplay. I don't need to read it. It makes me a sick kitty. If you're that insistant, please take it away from me, lest I hairball on you.

As of now, that's all! Have fun, everyone!

If you have any issues or questions, feel free to bring them up.

-Kitty Horrible, Vice Captain

I am captain, and if you upset me...

on a side note all masters are only aloud to have 3 slaves
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