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Imagine a world where you don't have to just watch Rayquaza fly! Where you can fly higher than any Flying type. This is that world, the world of ATs and Poke`mon. Take your beloved poke`mon to the top of Trophieaum, on your own road, or you can take one of the eight King Roads.
Yet, you are not the only one wanting to steal Trophieaum from the Storm Riders... Teams Magma, Aqua, Rocket, Plasma, and Galactica are looking for all Eight Regalias. They want the Sky King for themselves to find the Legendary Regalia and take control of Arceus! As Sky Lovers, we will not and can not allow this to happen!! Children of the Sky, join us or be hunted by us! Choose your Road, with them or us!?
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Ask our Professors for guidance, or just wing it with your friends. Your adventure depends solely on you and your choices. Your Poke`mon will be with you 100% along the way.
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From Kanto to Unova, the love of the Sky will reach far. here are you from? How will you show your pokemon the Sky?
Traveling to regions far and wide. Facing challenges and conquering enemies and friends alike. You, young trainer have the power to reach far!
Are you willing to open that door to our new world? Do you have what it takes to fly to new heights?