~Previous story~

In the Land of Inu Fuda several young warriors were assigned to deliver and import secret message to the king of the north. During this mission they fought a terrible wolf like beast and during this the oldest in the group was terribly wounded by an arrow shot to the side. Pal, the groups medic, came to the rescue and saved his life. The man who shot the boy was an elf named Riff, his reasons for attacking are unknown. They picked up several new group members along the way such as Lennie and her pooping pet pigeon, Sparky. Relationships also happened to spark during this time as Naomi and Isamu shared a kiss.

~What has happened during the time skip~

When the large group reached the castle a medic team teneded to Isamu and Pal's injuries. Then the message was delivered. It informed the king of the north that the young man named Isamu was now in his custody. He could do anything he pleased with him. He then proceeded to run tests on the boys body and see where his special ice veins were located, (Isamu can control ice that emits form his body). They test his arms and legs, checking for these veins. It is then ordered that his head be chopped off. Isamu's group of friends are invited to watch the ceremony but gladly skip it...only to begin planning his rescue. All in all an epic battle happens and he is rescued. They force the king of the north to remove Isamu's choker chain, when this happens his large black raven's wings appear, but this time he cannot hide them, they are there permanently. This reveals an important thing to the group...Isamu is a tengu. In the land of Inu Fuda tengu are nearly extinct, they are a dying breed. The group decides to move to the forest that is at the base of the mountains on the eastern side of Inu Fuda. They live in peace for a year and try to put the past behind them...but peace may not last for long....

~The present plot~

The time is peaceful. In the small town at the base of the East mountains is a quaint little village. Isamu lives out in the forest and his friends reside not too far away. A few tengu also roam about, protecting the mountains. But danger lurks, for Riff's intentions are finally revealed. A large gang of apoccolyptic demons and other fantasy creatures had grouped up to take over the world and they are starting with the the Eastern side of Inu Fuda. Now the gang and some new friends must reunite to save their village...and the world...