-bows and smiles- Greetings fellow Gaians. This is a guild to assist those who are need of training to become a butler or maid.

The gender does not matter to me. As long as you follow the rules of Gaia, you will be fine.

I will happily teach you what I know and so will a few of my higher ranking members.

This guild is not just for role-playing.

I will allow discussion of anime and video games, but not too many. Although, this will most likely be a guild to learn to be a butler or maid along with hang out with friends with the same interest.

^___^ I do hope that you join the fun and conversations. I am not against anyone, unless you break the rules, you will be banned. No questions asked.

So, do please follow the rules of Gaia. -bows and smiles- Have a nice day, afternoon or night, which ever it may be at this time for you.

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