♠Story Time Guild♠
♠For Roleplaying and Other Writing Needs♠

The Story Time Guild is for all of those creative writers out there to let their creative talents out and see how it would play out in Roleplay if they choose.
The Roleplays will be organized in Categories/Genres.

They may also write short stories and place them in the Story Subforum.
It's all up to them. But as in any guild, there are of course rules.

*Rules & Guidelines*
NOTE If you have any problems with these rules, don't bother joining the guild.

1.No Spamming, Cybering or Godmodding in any of the subforums or roleplays of this guild.

2. No Porn or Smut allowed in the guilds roleplays. You are not allowed to write them in any short stories in the stories subforum either.

3. You must also follow the rules given by the creator of the Roleplays you choose to be in.

4. No Harassing the other guild members with harsh comments or spam in their stories or roleplays.

5. If you wish to start a roleplay in this guild, you must send me a private message asking for permission and supplying reasons for why you want to start the roleplay. I must approve before you start making it. If you have already made it before I have approved the request, I will delete it and ban you from the guild.

6. This is meant to be a literate roleplaying guild, so no text talking or screwing around with the 'CAPS LOCK' function.

7. If you want a certain genre for the roleplaying section open. Send me a private message and I'll see about adding it in.

8. Most Important rule of all, just be creative and have fun. As long as it is within the lines of the rules.

Any donations are welcomed and appreciated and may lead to more specific roleplay genres and subforums for certain types of stories. So if you can, feel free to donate to this guild.

* Registering Requirements*
It's not just a matter of clicking the 'JOIN GUILD' button and it being over with. No, you must place some specific things in your request to join.

1. Your favorite Poem or Story along with the author of it.
2. Your favorite type of Roleplay.
3. How many roleplays you've been in.

So that's about it. Thank you for taking your time in reading the basic requirements and instructions, and I hope to see you in some of the roleplays in this guild. Or some of your stories and tales. Enjoy the guild!

♠Story Time Guild♠