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Hey Hey Hey! Whats up! Welcome to my awsome epic Role Play Guild Of Doom! WOO! DOOM! *sings doom song* Soooooooooo! Having fun yet!? No! Well check out some of the forums here, There'll always be something to do here! So don't worry! X3 Enjoy!

We are Furrys, with dignity and pride.
We are free
no one can touch us
no one can force us to deny what we are believing in
no one can destroy our feelings, our love.
All of us are walking through the world
with eyes open
with purpose in our step.
Sometimes we even abandon society
only to embrace this Furry thing
to be ourselves.

Furry freedom seems to be a very special thing. Perhaps it is because it isn't given to us, but is something we make for ourselves. Perhaps from a position at the edge of society we can easily choose to be "in" or "out" as we feel.
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