{{ guild on a revamp }}

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This is a guild where you can open your own art shop , have fun and run your
own contests, express your creativeness with roleplaying, give help with a quest, and many more.
We offer the best we can, and do what most guilds intend to. As the name say's this
is a guild founded by Lady_Akir herself. It all started out as a contest thread at the Gaia Aquarium forum.
So then, she decided to run an official guild that can be taken care of
easily and provide a better way to share the fun around.
We are still at an evolving stage. I know we don't have much, but the more we
achieve in having more active and dedicated members the guild will be much more
than it is now. We are also in need of ideas for improvements
with the guild, so your thoughts are really welcome.

We also do a great monthly event and that is rewarding special awards to our
members for something like, best artist, best RPer, most recuites and the most posts!
All prizes are worth 40k pure gold!

These are just a few main things that we offer here and more to come!

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There is absolutely no fee in joining. Just send us your
application on a little description on why you want to join.
That's all! And we will be glad to accept your request,
but sad to say we do have a little policy around here.
That is that you must at least post more than 5 times anywhere thoughout the guild
or a banishment will be put into place and you have at least 3 weeks for this.
We're sorry to say something like that, but we
just need to confirm that you are being true in joining and in participation. We also want a
ton of active members to help out with the guild. And that is all we ask for. Hope you
give a big thought on joining the fun today ;3

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Here are a list of our growing subforums that we include in this guild;

________________________________________User Image Rules for the Guild

________________________________________User Image Contest

________________________________________User Image Art Shops

________________________________________User Image Meet Your Mods

________________________________________User Image Questions & Answers

________________________________________User Image Monthly Events

________________________________________User Image Post your Pics

________________________________________User Image Chatterbox / Recycle Bin

________________________________________User Image Quests

________________________________________User Image Music

________________________________________User Image Improvements **Ideas Needed**

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A little message from Lady_Akir

Do NOT give your password out to ANYONE! Gaia will
never ask for your password, and no one should. If someone does, REPORT THEM
IMMEDIATELY! Do NOT give out your password, do not send a reply message. REPORT
THEM! This happens all too often in the world of Gaia. If you get any phishing letters
(that's if someone's trying to get your password) report them immediately, if you see
bad behavior on the forums, or in towns, report it. If someone is harassing you, report
them. Do not be a victim! I have had my share of bad experiences, and I don't want it
to happen to anyone else. So please help keep Gaia a safe place to have fun and
meet GOOD people! Report those who wish to ruin your day!

(I do not own gaia, or any rights to the site, name, or company.)

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Want to be nice and donate?
Then please donate directly to ladyakirsmule by clicking on the button to the right.
We assure you that your gold will be put into good use such as prizes.
Don't, I repeat don't donate your gold to the guild. We have much more now then we need.
Thank you.