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Here we offer a place to showcase that ever so delicate pearl you keep hidden in the depths of your soul. Like all writers you seek an audience to admire you work. Now you've found it, so don't cast it aside. Collect your due respect.


For those who require and seek improvement, we offer a mass of reference notes on grammar and the helpful tips you would otherwise recieve in an English class.


If you're looking to enlist:

1]PM me or one of the mods a writing sample (I'm not talking about an essay. Just a paragraph. Anything that comes to mind.

2]If you don't get in you'll get a denial reply.

3]If you get in you'll get an acceptance reply.

4]If you don't get a reply then be patient.

[5]If you don't get in you can always try again maybe edit or choose another sample. You can't strike gold all the time.

[6]When you PM me or one of the mods include "PEN PAL" as the topic



1]Follow TOS regulations

2]Must post introduction in the "Authors Subforum"

3]Post stories in the appropriate subforum

4]Critisism and comments are allowed as long as the author allows it.

5]There is no real regulation on content rating but nothing too sexually explicit.

6]Im not your editor so I won't expect or pressure you to contribute so often. Regardless guild activity is mandatory.

7]Have fun.
