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Welcome, oh wise ones, the the guild where you belong. Here, you will be able to converse, roleplay and solcialize freely with your fellow Ravenclaws. I have a few requests that I wish to be followed.
1.) I'm sorry but, all other houses will have to leave, this is a Ravenclaw-only guild. But, if you wish to start your own house guild, I would be more than happy to assist you.
2.) Please be somewhat literate, polite and use a minimum amount of swear words.
3.)Please follow TOS, please!
4.)When you apply, put "Pumpkin Pasties" somewhere in there.
5.)Also, when you apply, please put
Your username
Your reason for joining
~if someone invited you, and if so, who?
If, someday, you would like to be crew
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, Nerd
_of_Many_Faces or my friend and Vice Captian, Daughter of Merlin