~~story line ~~

A new beging a new rebirthing in "The World" 20 years have pasted since the events of GU but as "The World" faces a new breed of aida much more powerful then the last. It seems like all players now know about ADIA now and some have control over it well they belive they do but this adia is extreamly intagent and only wants slect players . The word created a new breed of players to take on avaters they are the rengon aloth most players don't know they are one of the 12 regon they know there is somethign spical in the worldthat is about to happen. The have a new guild for the 12 this area has been given it's own area code with spical area words only they can get or some one they invite. They have added new ranks to the game and changed the battle system slightly.