"We are the alpha source: We are the Gaian ScripT"

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The Gaian ScripT is a place where those who often dwell the Writers' Forum and Extended Discussion may find reprieve from the unfortunate mass of stupidity that has begun to flood the forums of Gaia. We won't pretend to be friendly(although friendliness is certainly encouraged), but we won't go out of our ways to be complete asshats either(though it appears this is in the very nature of some).

The GS is a place to speak and share ideas with other writers. Let your imaginations run wild, relatively troll free. It is also a place to hold serious discussion, biased or not... so long as you have facts to support your ideas and opinions.

Members are selected based upon activity, quality of posts and overall reputation within both the WF and ED. Moderators are chosen based upon respectability, responsibility and overall unbiasedness. Not a word. But, you get the overall gist of that thought.

What can one expect from a member of the Gaian ScripT?
.Members of the Gaian ScripT are expected to use proper grammar for the most part. Being a grammar Nazi is a plus, but not required wink

.GS Members are pretty much free to do and say whatever they want, so long as it falls in line with the ToS of Gaia guidelines when posting outside of the Guild Forum

.As a member of the Gaian ScripT, one must not forget that they are representing our entire guild. Be respectable out there, don't troll(unless you're muling), don't feed the trolls and/or flame unreasonably

.All members are expected to contribute something to the guild through their speech, actions and... speech. We're a discussion guild, questions, comments and concerns are the very backbone of this establishment

As our summary goes, so does our motto "Where intellect and imagination come together."

This is a guild to discuss our imaginations, musings and creations as well as debate the world's current affairs, philosophies, questions of life and all others. We may not always agree with one another, but we do respect one another because every member has been chosen for a reason. Consider an invitation a compliment to your intellect, or imagination. That is the reason you're here.

Think you've got what it takes to be a Gaian ScripT mod? Join the guild, post an application.

*Note&Mission Statement: It has never been, and never will be, my intention to instill a guild where each and every person likes or agrees with the other. I don't care what your beef is with another member, it could possibly lead to good discussion. But, this guild wasn't one created to accommodate your ego, maybe just mine wink And even then, it's bound to get bruised somewhere along the way. Being chosen for this guild means that it's been assumed you can face the challenge of others disagreeing with you, and even being wrong at times.