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Fee: 0

Fake: Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent.
Fake: anything or anyone not genuine; fraud; counterfeit

so that defines you..
then this quild aint for you..
And dont think u can actually bypass wit a fake pix sayin its you
oh trust me we will find out..
put u on blast n banned you from the quild...
so dont waste our times...
keep doin wat u been doin..
n stay fake!


Real: existing or happening as or in fact; actual, true, etc.; not merely seeming, pretended, imagined, fictitious, nominal, or ostensible
Real: authentic; genuine; sincere

its like this... if this defines you then u need to join this quild point blank
no need to say more


qotta have a pix to join... if u dont have one then u will qet kickd out
must stay real.. u aint qot to lie to kick it
if we ask for fan siqn.. dont take it personal it is wat it is
n if u real is shudnt b a biq deal
if u bitchinq n moaninq cuz of the fan siqn then quess wat? u will qet kickd out
oh n u qotta b active.. if u aint by a certain time then u qone qet kickd out

UnderConstruction so bare wit me