Welcome to X-Men Our Story!

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We are both a discussion guild to banter back and forth about the newest X-Men cartoon and an RP guild to play in this new Marvel Universe.

Have you ever felt different? Like you could never fit in, that no one in the world could possibly understand? Have you been shunned by those who once cared, because of your new gifts...? We know it can be hard... Come. We are here for you... At Xavier's Institute of Higher Learning we will teach you how to control your new found gifts and show everyone that would shun us that we are not to be feared, but only wish to live.


Maybe you don't want to be accepted... Maybe you would rather show them how sorry they should be for treating you like some kind of freak. Join the Brotherhood and we'll show them together... We'll show them that they're not at the top of the food chain anymore, that we are better then them. We'll show them together just why they should have never shunned us!
Rules to live by...

1. While romance is allowed, please remember to keep your affections PG-13. We're happy to see you found someone, but we like to keep things clean here.

2. There will be no deaths unless it is agreed on by both players and I am aware of it. Fighting is fine and encouraged, it keeps things interesting, but please do not harm innocents in the process.

3. While I understand that some of the member are gifted telepathics or telekinetics, controlling another member against their will is strictly prohibited.

4.Attendance is appreciated though I understand that we all have lives and things happen. Please try to be active though.

5. Please, no one liners. This is a semi lit to lit role play.

6. Canon characters are always appreciated. Please refer to the character list in the forums for a list of who is taken.

6. Please obey the laws and terms of service. I do not want to lose the guild due to one of my members breaking the rules

7. The forums are to be done in third person, past tense. Example

First person, Present tense I walk to the store.
First person, Past tense I walked to the store.
Second person, Present tense You walk to the store.
Second person, Past tense You walked to the store.
Third person, Present Tense Jane walks to the store.

Third person, Past tense Jane walked to the store.

8. Please write in at least 12 point font and no bright colors. It makes it hard to see and reading difficult for some of us. ~thank you

Any breach of these agreements will result in banishment from the guild and all activities relating to it. Thank you for choosing our guild, and please, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you become more comfortable with your surroundings.

To join please fill this out

user name
Favorite Character from the X men (movies or comics)
Why you wish to join