Welcome to Darkness To Oblivion!! This guild in general has no lagidiment purposes, I'm not intellectually creating this to do any certain activities I just thought it would be interesting to have my own guild. The whole idea of this guild is for anything in common of a "Safe" additude! No I will not randomly add people into my guild and no not anyone can just join. I don't have much of a prior knowlege to what most guild members do on their daily basis but in this guild I will not be up to date on everything. Most people don't like to waste cash on very many things so I made the entry fee 500 gold so it's at least benifitable for myself and anyone else who feels this is the guild for them. Activites done here Role Playing, Safe discussions, Hang out, and used to just maybe get away for a bit and just relax and have fun chatting with your friends. Things I do not allow Harrasment, Bad behavior, or any Childish actions. Keep your mouth distant from everyone please, we don't need any arguments. Anyways!! that just about wraps things up! so if anyone else has any questions based on my guild just ask me or send me a message with self containt observations.