Guild currently undergoing renovations

Beyond a small patch of brush and wilderness lies a derelict building. The structure looms just outside the fringes of society, separated from the rest of civilization by overgrown forestry and ill-maintined roadways, rubbed away by erosion. It feels like there used to be life here, but there's little reason for people to come this way anymore. It would seem that the only reason anyone would ever come around this place is if they were deliberately looking for it.

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The building stands tall, about three stories high, surrounded by smaller, lesser structures that have all fallen into serious disrepair. This may have been a small hub of activity before - a town, perhaps, or an outpost - but the building is all that remains.

This area is known only as "The Hyde Building".

It is fairly plain in design and square in shape. The building is constructed out of brick and has a cement stair walkway that leads up to a normal-sized door adorned with several locks. There are windows, but all the blinds are drawn across them, leaving little view inside.

The Hyde Building is riddled with a myriad of hidden passages and consists of more than one entrance. There is one passageway that connects to Barton Town itself. This gateway can be found in a building in Rivendell at the address of 14 Barton 001399.

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Despite its deserted appearance, the building still seems to be occupied...