WARNING: Do not donate money to the guild!!! donate it to its_kapo_Okie8 and she will use the donated money for the guild only for prizes and prize money Thank You!
This guild is DA BOMB. We will have contests every month of who has the best avi!!!! there are formus, threads, hangout parties, games, even pretend muffins!!!! there are rules to follow, if broken you get kicked out or recieve a strike.. you only get 3 strikes.. USE THEM WISELY lol

1.) be nice and kind to everyone.. even the noobs!

2.) if you catch people cybering or breaking the rules tell one of the captains

3.) to help the guild, you can donate gold for contest and other things like that

4.)Dont be a outsider.. get involved if your lost of whats going on.. just ask its_kapo_Okie8 for questions

5.) HAVE FUNNN!!!! (or else)

Well wat are you doing.. start having fun.. if you hav any suggestions to make this guild more fun contact any of the captians!!!