Note: I'll get a new image up soon. -iMonsho no Nazo

The Continent of Tellius- the Beorc countries of Crimea, Daein, and Begnion, and the Laguz nations of Gallia, Kilvas, Phoenicis, Hatari, and Goldoa. The historic Serenes Forest was nearly wiped out by Begnion forces, leading to the Laguz Alliance declaring war with them. Daein invaded Crimea in the Mad King's War and lost- leaving it wide open for the Begnion Occupation Army. As a result, the Dawn Brigade formed to see a free Daein, and eventually joined with the Daein Liberation Army. After the Mad King's War, some Crimeans revolted against their new queen and started a Civil War.
The balance between Chaos and Order is thrown into turmoil, the gods are fighting each other in favor of the two sides, and the way of life for Beorc, Laguz, and Branded alike is on the brink of ending- permanently.
It's time to rise up for your country, your people, and fight for what you believe in. Will you and your lance follow Queen Elincia and Commander Ike in Crimea? Will your sword go to Micaiah and King Pelleas for Daein? Will you try to expand your empire with an ax under the senators and General Zelgius in Begnion? Or will your fang, claw, or talon swear loyalty to Caineghis in Gallia, Tibarn in Phoenicis, and Naesala in Kilvas?

Many souls have been brought into the wars- carefree young Edward, cheerful content Brom, humorous laid back Ranulf, quiet but charming Volug, royal queen Elincia... and many, many more. Will their lives be thrown away for nothing?

Tellius. Choose your side.

Note- it's preferable that you've at least gotten through Part 2 of Radiant Dawn before joining this guild!

You need to answer these questions when joining:
1. What is your favorite Fire Emblem game?
2. How active are you?
3. Give us an excerpt from an RP, or make one up.
4. Anything else you'd like to tell us?