Well, it's just a newly started guild so please bear with me while I improve upon it, but the general idea is to write stories. When I have more informantion I'll give it to you on the homepage! Also check inside for anouncements!

In this guild we encourage you to write stories. Please don't plagerize!

In a story, you make the rules and you choose the characters. Everything that happens is your choice. Maybe you're the angel trying to get home like in "Blue Angel", or maybe you're the victim of some high school prank like in "Taking Over the School". If your story becomes real popular you may even end up here, on the front page!

Please, if you decide to join, use correct grammar and spelling! It dosen't have to be perfect; I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, it dosen't have to be perfect. But I would like some control. Not like "OMG, I luv ur shirt! U n me hang out ltr, right?" And yes I have met somebody that types like that...

We have gold now! Please do not worry about donating until we have rid ourselves of this horrible plague! (Well not so horrible, but we can get pleanty of subforums now.) We also have a mascott! Any donations will go stright to Your_Storybook. That way we can spend them on prizes for competitions too!

This is our first finished story. Though short, it is still good. Please read and review on the link below.
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About the Author: Eternal Embers
I'm 16 years old and I'm in the 10th grade. I live in Indiana. I plan on being a novelist when I'm older. I especially love the horror genre of writing, and Edgar Allen Poe is one of my main inspirations. Besides writing, my hobbies include reading, drawing, listening to music, playing Guitar Hero, and just hanging out with friends.
