NOT ACCEPTING JOIN REQUESTS FOR THE TIME BEING! We are only considering new members thru Uesugi Clan member's recommendations.

User Image

Banner by Dakruon/Lord Uesugi Kenshin

The Uesugi Clan is a small clan of highly active ZOMG players! If you have ever farmed the SS or Duneslam there's a 100% chance you have farmed with one of us! xd Our clan is not only for Zomg, we have many skilled artist's, vendors and talented individuals from every facet of Gaia. We keep our clan small to encourage interaction and familiarity amongst members... but we are always seeking friendly Gaians to join!

We will never ask for your gold and we will never judge you based on your lack thereof. All members are treated fair and equal. We hold at least 1 contest a month (sometimes more! xd ) with at least a minimum of 100k worth of prizes that is free to every member.

The Uesugi Agenda

Allied Clans/Guilds