Ah, the joy of coursing through an Anime Expo, or greedily watching favorites on YouTube. Well, all the same....


We all know how many fans are out there... lots. So we've added to the Gaia Community yet another fan guild, where we all bask under the light of AWESOMNESS...
which, of course, is anime...
No, I'm not obsessed, and nor are you, most likely. We've just set up a virtual place to chat and have fun with people who share similar interests.

Not appetizing enough?

Good! We've got lots more up our sleeves...

Anyway, on here, we've got an area for Role-Playing, Wikipedia's guides on all sorts of Animes (With Copyrights added, of course. All wiki-posts are not ours.), Chatrooms, and contests to win gold, and various items as well.
There will be sub-forums on some animes, left blank to let your mind burst with creativity.

So I'll be waiting... and so will the guild.
We're not going anywhere!
And here are some rules

1. No Cursing/Cussing.
2. No harassing.
3. If something is not clear to you, please PM me.
4. Do not flame anyone for hopeless reasons.
5. Do not tell a mod what to do.
6. Have fun.
7. Follow all rules.

As simple as that, you could be having loads of fun!

Seeing as one of the rules is to have fun...

Heheh... well, you may be part of many guilds already, so we won't mind if you don't post as often.
Just post as much as you can.
We have much in store for you, and your wonderful company in our guild.


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Join my Anime/Manga Fans guild today!
Join other Anime fans, and participate in chats, roleplaying, art, and connect with other fans who share the same interests. My guild is fairly new, and I may need help getting it to grow. Please carfully consider this offer. I hope you join!


~Pheonix Sunset
~True Blind Love
~robot shrapnel
~Akiba Chaos
~Miyazaki Kiyumi
~Gods Kiki Angel