This guild is for semi-literate to literate roleplayers. And by that I mean the following.
- No one-liners. If I see that then you will be warned. Repeat offenders will be ban.
- Never do just dialogue. I consider that a one-liner so it will have the same offense as it.
- Complete sentences, please. Do not just stop a thought right in its tracks. But also do not go on and on with the same sentence.
- Punctuation. Periods at the end of sentences, "this for dialogue", no *action stars*, ect.
- Correct spelling.
- Capitalization.

So follow that please and we will have no issues.




There was a village way back when that had the smallest, most croocked buildings that were ever built. No one knew why anyone would want to live there, except those who were wise. The wise ones lived in mountains that over-looked the village. They were very peaceful among themselves, but would attack and kill any villagers that wandered too close to them.
The Wise ones weren't just people. No, they were barely people. They were creatures of all different speices. Some weren't even named with a species, just having an extra eye and the ability to fly, or simple nekos with deathly claws.
Some of the villagers believed that they were there, for those who went up to the mountains never returned -- and occasionally they would find the victim's body torn to shreads somewhere in a valley. But some villagers didn't believe. They were called Deniers, which the Deniers didn't appreciate. The ones who believed were called something simple, the Understanders. They were going to be called the Believers, but then that would sound like a religion.
So some of the Understanders, and the occasional Denier would go up to the Mountain and be mauled to death by the Wise Ones.
The Wise Ones had these weird games that once they killed a villager, they would leave a shread of cloth or anything with advice smeared onto it with the victim's blood. It was usually just 'Leave now' or 'Leave us alone'. But sometimes it was different, like 'Don't drink the tainted water' or 'Johnny killed Robert'. It was always different, but always caused an uproar with the villagers.
The villagers started planning an attack on the Wise Ones, wanting them gone from the village forever. The unknowing Wise Ones continue to relax in their sanctuaries, not knowing of this plot.
Will the Wise Ones survive? Or be killed by ajoining Deniers and Understanders?

You are the Story. How will you make it?


To join, please fill out the following.

-Why you want to join
-Level of Literacy
-How you found the guild