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Imagine with me for a moment eh? Imagine you’re walking, jogging, hopping, or skipping through the wonderfully undeveloped continent of Gaia. Let’s say it had just finished raining, gloomy clouds dutifully marching in a melancholy atmosphere high above and all around. A bird or two announce themselves to the wild, and possibly, for once in a very long time, you find yourself at peace.
As you’re running, jogging, skipping, or whatever, you come upon a large hill blocking you from your self-made path. It’s not so steep, however, and you might even get a good look of the layout of the land around you from the top! So onward you go until “OUCH! OH! What the hell?!”

You look down and find yourself surrounded by jagged stones, many made sharp by the way they were broken. Not to be outdone by a few measly rocks, you continue onward, noticing the amount of stones, all different shapes and sizes, begin to grow in number. You pass by broken pillars, half fallen archways, and a few stairs here and there that at one time lead to- as far as you can imagine- great houses, temples, or sanctuaries. By now your interest has peeked. Such a forgotten treasure found by you alone! What jewels or riches lay here? You continue on forward to the very top.

A crisp, refreshing breeze welcomes your ascension, followed still by more ruins. The top of this hill is actually quite flat, aside from an old crater or two to the left. All around you lye broken cobblestones, still with a dull shimmer after what may seem like many, many years of decay. It’s a peaceful setting to be sure, and by the look of things, you seem to be on the highest bit of terrain in the area. Another welcoming breeze passes you by, and the great lumbering clouds are beginning to scatter, leaving great bright and dark blotches all across the forestland. Why not rest here? Surely you’re tired. But just as you’re about to set yourself down, something catches your eye, a bright shine, but from where? You head forward to investigate. It might come to you as quite a shock at first, maybe not, depending on who you are.

What lies before you and otherwise below you, is a tall, shinning edifice. It was a tower window that first caught your attention, but now much more seems to be on your mind. A beautiful lake, probably just the right temperature lays next to a beautifully aspiring castle. Almost a clean bluish white color, the castle stands tall, but isn’t very large or complex compared to other, more regal and outstanding castles around Gaia. Three tall towers in all, with slightly darker blue rooftops, slightly stuck out of the castles main walls, had their own perspective heights. And from what you could see, three dirt paths lay between quaint hedge maze gardens, each directing you to separate points of entry, each guarded by two statues of different mythical creatures. The main entrance was obvious; it’s wide marble stairs, guarded by two large statues of what appeared to be gryphons, lead up to the tallest wooden doors you’d ever seen. Before the stairs was a simple dirt path that lead strangely enough, to nowhere, and simply stopped only a few yards into the rich green plain that surrounded the castle. Again, looking more like a lone outpost than any royal establishment, the castle stood all alone within the wilderness, patiently waiting…

So there you have it. I hope I’ve painted a proper picture in your head. Curious? If so, then go ahead and click our link. If not, then maybe it’d be best if you chose another route on your journey. Good luck with you, and happy travels.

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