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<center> wahmbulance ANNOUNCEMENTS wahmbulance

All members, please post in our clan forum!

Our clan forum is reforming!
Please check the main forum for more details.

All crew members please
check out the crew lounge!
We need you to post there ASAP!


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Aki Aqui and captain aquarius
Rules and Regulations

Like any other forum, Defenders of Gaia Faction has rules and regulations too. They're very simple so don't worry. As long as you understand them and follow them, you will be fine.

1. Follow the ToS of Gaia. All of their rules apply here.

2. No flaming. Do not say anything inappropriate to other members of the clan. If they annoy you, report this to either me, the Vice-Captain, or captain aquarius, El Captain, about the person. We'll give them a stern warning. Also try not to use foul language.

3. No spamming. Do not post threads without any reason. We do not permit chain mail, bump threads, or threads that have nothing. Chain mail is actually against the ToS of Gaia so you shouldn't be doing that anyway. If you want to advertise something, just stick it in your signature or post advertising in the sub forums that are coming soon.

4. Stay on topic. The main forum is all about general clan stuff. We'll be buying more sub forums so you'll be able to post in other places.

5. Keep this a good environment. Don't ask for people to cyber with you. Don't scam people. Scamming is against the ToS of Gaia. We will not hesitate to report you if you scam.

6. Have fun! =D

If you feel that this set of rules needs more rules or I made a grammatical error, feel free to tell me. =D

<center>User Image

What Members Say About Our Clan</center>

Well, this clan really is amazing. There are really fun Role Plays, especially the Role Play that is called "Defenders of Gaia Faction Academy". I've been mostly posting in that area. There are also contests and tournaments, too. Those contests can be really competitive with your friends. I'm mostly having fun posting in the Game Room! Plus, I can get more gold posting in this clan!

This clan is the best! The people in it are so kind and helpful. I only started playing zOMG recently and with their help I have managed to get far through the game and expand my character while also helping out people who need it as much as i did.

This clan is really great and is full of fun and friends!!! I love all the events we have and also all of the prizes!!! This is some clan!

Sir Nicholas 2nd
I wasn't sure when I first joined this clan if I should have but after a day or so I really started to warm up to the clan and went to post on the forums and realized how friendly everyone is here. Thank for the invite aquarius. blaugh

Paw leen
Defenders of Gaia Faction is-the-name-of-the-best Clan! We have many fun fun things to do in this Clan. Many friends joined and it is just exciting for someone to join. smile

Interactive, supportive and just straight up fun Defenders of Gaia Faction is a place to hang with friends, make new friends and just enjoy yourself.

-l- Fluffy -l-
well...I like the overall look of the clan page. I like the friendliness of the people. Ummm i like how organized it is. So overall it is an amazing clan