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This is a safe haven for all people who live within the trans* zone of the gender spectrum. We are not exclusive to MtF or FtM. Whether you're non-binary, genderfluid, agender, or even unsure and questioning, we are here to help you feel secure and introduce you to people you can talk to and become friends with without fear of judgement, ridicule or long, awkward and lengthy explanations as to who you are and why you identify the way that you do.

We are not only a conversation forum; we also have areas designated for roleplaying, creative writing, music, art contests, personal journals and current events.

Don't be shy! Fill out the form and join the family!
(NOTE: If you do not fill out this form and paste it in your application, there may be a delay and you will likely receive an email from one of the crew asking for clarification or additional details before being accepted. No application is guaranteed approval.)

Gender Identity:
Preferred Pronouns:
Tell us a bit about yourself:

Also please be sure that your guild announcements are turned on so you don't miss anything important! The staff send out regular announcements every weekend to help keep you up to speed with everything that's going on.

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