Ignite Your Spark
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You are a Planeswalker.

In Magic The Gathering, a Planeswalker is a powerful mage who is able to travel across the planes of existence. There are infinite worlds across the Multiverse, and Planeswalkers are unique in their ability to move from one world to the next, expanding their minds with new knowledge from each one. However, sometimes they can unintentionally disrupt, even destroy the worlds they go to.

1/1,000,000 beings are born with “the spark,” the ineffable essence that makes an individual capable of becoming a Planeswalker. Of those born with “the spark,” even fewer “ignite” their spark, enabling them to realize their potential and travel the planes. A near-death experience might ignite a Planeswalker’s spark, but so could a sudden, life-changing epiphany or a meditative trance that enables the mage’s grasp of some transcendent truth.

The Blind Eternities

The “Blind Eternities” is a term for the space between planes. The Blind Eternities are a chaotic, logic-defying place of quasi-existence filled with raw potential called Æther. Only Planeswalkers can survive there, and only for a limited time. Mortal beings without the spark are destroyed by the raw power and uncontained mana that inhabits the Blind Eternities.

Their Lives

After the Planeswalker spark ignites, one has the power to dedicate one’s life to a personal mission, whatever that may be. A Planeswalker’s life is consumed with the exploration of the Multiverse, the discovery of strange secrets, and the plumbing of the depths of one’s own mystic soul. The life of a Planeswalker is a life of choice and self-determination, unrestricted by the boundaries of world or fate. With the freedom to travel and the power of magic, each Planeswalker has the power to carve his or her name on the face of history.

The Mending
Planeswalkers live a long time. Most of them have lived through The Mending, where Planeswalkers gave some of their power to mend the rifts in The Multiverse. Many Planeswalkers lost their sparks. Post-Mending Planeswalkers are considered Neo-Walkers.

The Guild

In The Planeswalker Spark, you play the role of a Planeswalker. Planeswalkers come from all parts of the Multiverse, and from any background or race. Even a Golem could become a Planeswalker, and for the record, they have. You may play as a Planeswalker you create, or one that already exists in the Multiverse.

Wanna Join?
Just fill out this Short Application!
1. What's your favorite color in magic?
2. Rp Sample.
3. Wasn't this a short application?

As with most Guilds, we have Rules.
arrow No Revolutions. Once was enough *cough*.

arrow If your a Crew Member, don't change people's posts to suit your needs. I call it Advanced God-Modding.

arrow If you kill off another person's character, or delete their post for their character, your character will be eaten by Eldrazi, and if you are a crew member, you get demoted.

If you have any Questions or Concerns, please direct them to Me, Cyrus the Keeper,Current Vice-Captain in a Pm.