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A place where the darker gaians can meet and share ideas. This is the full form of the former Black Rose Guild.

Banner made by Jargoss
Poem written by rosesblood

Event 2 Winner:


So I sat there on the side of the road. It was mid-July, and the bright summer sun was beating down like a big glowing fried egg of death. It had just rained the day before, but you wouldn't be able to tell. That's why I was on this journey, in fact:

I was thirsty.

Now, us turtles, we have this problem with crossing the road. That being that cars tend to go several hundred miles faster than us, and happen to weigh several million pounds more than our shells can withstand. And no I'm not exaggerating, because when you get run over, it doesn't matter if it's two tons or two hundred tons, you're dead either way.

So there I was, friends. Sitting there, thinking about this problem with the cars. When along came this chicken.

"What are you doing round here, turtle my man?" The chicken asked me in a very unchickenly manner. I replied that I was thinking about how crappy it was for turtles to try and cross the road with the traffic the way it was while I waited for a chance.

"There hasn't been a car to pass by here in half an hour." The chicken replied, before crossing the road herself. I wanted to tell her it wasn't a matter of logic at all. When I tried to cross the road, a car would most definitely appear to squash me.

"Pessimism will make you miss out on all the good things in life!" the chicken said, running back and forth across the road to accentuate her point. I sighed, and placed one of my thick, scaly feet on the pavement.

About that time a 1959 Ford came blazing by, catching the chicken in the middle of the road, and carrying her head with it. The lifeless body kept running, though. Me, I turned and started hobbling back to the ditch on the side of the road.

The lesson learned was that sometimes pessimism can save you a lot more heartache in the end, instead of letting an optimistic view lead you blindly into death. But me, I just wanted to know one thing.

"Why DID the chicken cross the road?"