The History Of Midnight

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Eons ago the world was constantly shaken and destroyed by a terrible beast that dwells just in the behind... It would jump village to village demolishing everything in its path seeking to destroy the world... As it was destroying a small village a hero stepped forward challenging this beast...The world stopped, the gods mourned as the little boy be struck down... The beast became enraged because nobody tried to stop the child they just watched... Before the great beast could unleash its rage, the gods trapped the beast in the great stone just outside the village... The child's soul was released into the spirit world to be reborn, but it attached with another child's an was reborn in her place... The boy now watches over the girl as her guardian... And the beast waits plotting its revenge...

Midnight Now

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The town is growing and very high-tech but there is still a traditional area untouched by time... There is a portal that'll take people back and forth between Tokyo and Midnight... It only reveals itself to certain people the ones with great destiny's... The town itself has just as many secrets as it's people... There is a secret society, it is nameless just a whisper in the wind, they fight for the beast... This is a place filled with the lost waiting to be found... Now is the time to pick a side and join the fight... OUR TIME IS NOW.!

The Prophecy Child

Username: DinosaurWoe
Character: Rinnea Splendora Mori

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The Guardian

The Beast

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