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In the kingdom of Baroway, evil lurks in the shadows. There are those who are scared to come out of their own homes but there are many who walk without fear of being mauled by the dangerous creatures that hide in the darkest parts of Baroway. Baroway's newest king is the cause of all these problems, he got what he wanted a shot at being the king of one of the most powerful kingdoms on the planet but he misuses his power. Some say hes hired Warlocks, dangerous monsters, and some have even said that he keeps a giant beast underneath the kingdom. There is a preacher who sits outside the courtyard and tells of a prophecy that many ordinary people will rise up and defeat the evil king and his army. Many laugh at this prophecy for others believe that it is not true, but it is true. Many of the heroes spoken of in the prophecy walk the streets of Baroway. It all starts with you!

[Thank you Twilit for the name of the kingdom and Kuri for the name of the guild.]

No God-modding
No Auto Hits
None of this *Punches wall*--> Seething with anger he punched the wall,something like that.
There really isn't much of a posting period like ''You have to post in one week or you get a warning.'' I would say only if its affecting someone else,but that is if this guild will get more members.