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    Like Zelda? Good! This is the Legend of Zelda guild. That means we're taking care of you. This is the only Zelda guild you'll need. Fandom? We got it. RPs? Try every era and game in the franchise. Other settings beside Zelda? You can do that too.


      To join:

      RP? Y/N (If yes, please address the next two criteria. If you don't RP you will be accepted automatically; however, you will not be able to use the RP forums--unless you talk with a captain about switching)

      Experience/Sample of work: (Please link to a post/thread you feel represents your RP style well.)

      Familiarity: (How familiar are you with LoZ? Are you willing to take the time to research as needed on the wiki? If you are not well-versed, please stick to the Slice of Life forums until you have familiarised yourself more; if you have an area of specialty--say, having only played OOT and Majora's Mask--we have special forums for that.)


      Here's some starter information for you! emotion_yatta