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                                The Boy who Lived, had killed the Dark Lord. For the past 50 years, the Wizarding World finally had some peace. U n t i l N o w...

                                Gryffindor and Slytherin have been at each others' necks, just like it always has been. As for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, they've always been... just there. But who knew a childish game of Truth or Dare during a boring Potions class could get so badly out of hand? It went a little like this The Gryffindor boy asked the Slytherin girl. "Truth or Dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to create a potion that can bring back the dead." That was all the daring Slytherin needed, as she distracted the professor. She grabbed the necessary objects from the cupboards and dumped them into her cauldron. The secret ingredient? A pinch of Moroi dust. More than enough was poured into the cauldron, actually. Suddenly, the lights flickered off. Only a few seconds later, it went back on, and the cauldron's potion was gone.

                                We can't leave Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw out of this, can we? Only a week later, they were facing off each other in a Quidditch match on a rainy day. For a split second, Ravenclaw's seeker spotted something mysterious in the sky. Guess what? It was none other than the legendary Dark Mark. Lord Voldemort was back, and this time there is no Harry Potter to stop him.

                                Rumors are spreading like wildfire around Hogwarts, just like any ordinary High School. Except this gossip is anything but ordinary. Supposedly, there are many students that have created group of Death Eaters for their quest to help the Dark Lord. Voldemort seeks revenge, and since Harry Potter was dead, he plans to take out his anger on Hogwarts, sparing only those who serve their loyalty to him. The Leader? The same Slytherin girl that helped him rise.

                                Every group of villains needs a group of heroes, right? They call themselves 'Euphoria'. Basically the next generation of 'Dumbledore's Army'. The Leader? The same Gryffindor boy that dared the Slytherin girl to make the potion. No one remembers this except the two of them, and she's keeping the information for later use. Maybe to force him to join the Death Eaters? Who knows.

                                Hell has broken loose, but classes still manage to struggle on. Euphoria and the Death Eaters are fighting for power, while Voldemort grows stronger in a place closer to Hogwarts than you think. Will goodness prevail once again, or is it evil's turn to take over?

▌▌▌ ▌▌ ▌ m a i n c h a r a c t e r s

                                PM me if you'd like to be a main character

                                Original Members of Euphoria

                                Gryffindor Boy (7th year) Skylar Sacrifice
                                Ravenclaw Girl (4th year) QcHoping52
                                Hufflepuff Boy (6th year) Sky Assassin57
                                Slytherin Girl (6th year) Huntress Artemis14
                                Gryffindor Girl (7th year) Bittersweet Cupcakes
                                Ravenclaw Boy (6th year) Gabbineer
                                Hufflepuff Girl (7th year) Madame Reverie
                                Slytherin Boy (7th year) A Forced Metaphor

                                Original Members of the Death Eaters

                                Slytherin Girl (7th year) Bittersweet Cupcakes
                                Ravenclaw Girl (6th year) Huntress Artemis14
                                Hufflepuff Boy (6th year)
                                Gryffindor Boy (7th year) Gabbineer
                                Gryffindor Girl (6th year) A Forced Metaphor
                                Ravenclaw Boy (6th year)
                                Hufflepuff Girl (6th year)
                                Slytherin Boy (7th year) iBowties

▌▌▌ ▌▌ ▌ c l a s s e s

                                The classes you go to no longer will be with your entire house's year. All schedules are individual.


                                Defense Against the Dark Arts
                                History of Magic

                                Electives (Third year and up)

                                Study of Ancient Runes
                                Muggle Studies
                                Care of Magical Creatures

▌▌▌ ▌▌ ▌ t e a c h e r s

                                PM me if you'd like to be one of the teachers

                                Headmistress Bittersweet Cupcakes


                                Astronomy iBowties
                                Charms A Forced Metaphor
                                Defense Against the Dark Arts iBowties
                                Herbology Open
                                History of Magic Open
                                Potions Open
                                Transfiguration Gabbineer

                                Electives (Third year and up)

                                Study of Ancient Runes Open
                                Arithmancy Open
                                Muggle Studies Open
                                Care of Magical Creatures Open
                                Divination A Forced Metaphor

▌▌▌ ▌▌ ▌ r u l e s

                                You must read them thoroughly!!!

                                - Post at least twice a week. It's not too much to ask for, actually
                                - Write at least 4 sentences per post
                                - You are not invincible. You can't win every battle.
                                - I am the only person that can sort you into your houses. Consider me as the Sorting Hat.
                                - Requests for houses will most likely be rejected
                                - Real pictures only
                                - PG 17! Skip BEFORE clothes start coming off
                                - When joining, please write down the following in the request 1. How many HP books have you read?
                                2. How many HP movies have you watched?
                                3. What's your favorite spell?
                                4. What's your favorite house?
                                - munortap otcepxe <---- Write this backwards in your request, just so I know you've read the rules!