Remember Gaia's TOS! We are Gaian Flash Mobers! A traditional flash mob consists of 10 or more gaians running through a designated area in the buff. To prepare for a Nude flash Mob simply go to "Customize Avatar" and click the "Get Nekkid" button and save, alternate and similar forms of "nude dress" are appropriate too. In order to execute effective and massive mobs please name your mob event, plan days in advance, and please no official mobs less than 10 participants. Suggestions include yelling the name of the flash mob while running through.

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Also, setting up a meeting point and gathering till all participants arrive before flashing makes for greater shock value. Timing is everything! Just imagine... there you are fluff farming or such and out of the blue your screen is suddenly flooded with nude gians all running and yelling something like "Flapjacks!!" or "Tacos!!" that is the idea here. Fun is the main idea, if you are not having fun you are doing it wrong. lol