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What is the Enclave States of America?

The Enclave is a secretive military organization who are believed to have descended directly from members of the pre-War United States government, and military industrial complex, claiming to be the legal continuators of the state, and styling themselves as such. The Enclave is comprised mostly of descendants of government officials and military elite, and others with ties to powerful corporations who retreated to a Poseidon Energy oil rig when the Great War started. Due to their narrow views and snobbish upbringing, the average Enclave citizen considers mainlanders to be "mutants", fit only for eradication. This view came to be somewhat out-of-date by the time of John Henry Eden's presidency.

Over View of the E.S.A.

The Enclave takes pride in being the last bastion of pure, unmutated humanity, aside from the unopened Vaults, and being the most technologically advanced faction in the wasteland. Because of the effects of radiation and the Forced Evolutionary Virus on the people of the Wasteland, members of the Enclave generally do not consider them to be human any more, even if they look no less human than they do. They, as well as other mutated creatures, like super mutants and ghouls, are considered to be sub-humans that are at best to be used as slaves, and at worst eradicated so that "true humanity" could take their place as the "real" nation of America.
While the Enclave and its armed forces claim to be the official continuation of the pre-War United States government and the U.S. Army, the extent to which the Enclave truly represents the Government is a matter of debate.

The government is headed by a President, and, according to the speeches made on Enclave Radio, there is some form of Congress. The Enclave's scientists continue to do research on armor (e.g. the advanced power armor) and weapons after the War and thus are better equipped than the Brotherhood of Steel, who only have U.S. Military standard issue left over from when the Great War broke out. The Enclave also has access to one of the last supplies of fossil fuel in the world and the advanced Vertibird aircraft.

Background of the E.S.A.

One of the few old world organizations to survive the Great War, the Enclave was once the shadow government of the United States. Members of the conspiracy both embraced the idea of a nuclear war and knew that the common man could not survive it. They believed that as long as the "important people" of the United States survived, they could regroup quickly and wipe out communism once and for all. Though not technically part of the Enclave, many powerful corporations benefited from the Enclave's actions and their research facilities were protected during the firestorm of 2077.
In 2073, as the global race to exploit the handful of remaining natural resources reached its fevered peak, the United States managed to stake a claim on the world's last known supply of crude oil, buried thousands of feet beneath the Pacific Ocean. Poseidon Oil, a major U.S. energy concern, was contracted to build an oil rig and extract the oil. Before long, the oil ran dry and it was abandoned by Poseidon. Come 2077, with total nuclear war rapidly arriving at America's doorstep, the President of the United States and a number of other members of the government left their posts to take refuge on the Poseidon oil rig. Here, the President himself set up a secret base from which the USA could continue to exist and wage war on China, with the eventual goal of retaking the continental United States. Some members of the Enclave retreated to remote locations in other parts of the world, but when the bombs hit, they lost all contact with the main group.


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1.) - Do you believe what the Enclave is doing is right?

2.) - Out of the Fallout Series which is your favorite?

3.) - What do you think of the E.S.A. Guild so far?

4.) - Who is your Favorite Person from Fallout Series?

5.) "Repeat" America will never fall to Communism!

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