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High in the mountains far from civilization sits a very private and exclusive preparatory school called Dark Stone Academy. They only accept the best of the best. Their students are held to the highest of standards and often go on to become leaders in their fields of study. The only catch is, this school isn't for just any student. It's for the gifted, students with special abilities or even of the rare racial variety. To insure order is kept as all times, each student must undergo a personal interview with the dean of the school, Mr. Savina Darkmore. If the child is accepted into the school then they are fitted with a collar that tracks movements and restricts their use of power. If a student is caught for any reason without their collar on then they will receive the harshest of punishments. Dark Stone Academy has been training and teaching students for almost 100 years now, with a 99% satisfaction rating from the parents. Too bad it's not always the parent or guardian who drops the child off. The school never guarantees the safety of any child unwilling to follow rules or listen to the staff. The staff and faculty at Dark Stone Academy is strongly encouraged to use what ever means of discipline that they deem is necessary. A sound beating always works.


It's a new year with new students at Dark Stone Academy. Most of which haven't quite caught on to the way things work yet. But it's ok, the students aren't the only people new to the academy, so are many of the teachers. This means the students might get off light for a while. There are rumors about a key hidden somewhere on the ground that can unlock any door and any collar. The question is were is it and does it really work? Or is it a trap set by Ms. Darkmore to see which students need her personal attention?

(More to come after the RP gets started up some.)