You are starting high school, but it seems just yesterday you were in 4th grade. When daylight comes, you are a freshman. At night, you fight evil, or you start it. But watch out, your parents might find you out after curfew.

-Yes, this is South Park. There will be swearing, but keep it PG13, and timeskip as needed to keep it PG13.

-OCs can be banned if there are too many of them. Sue characters are NOT allowed. If you are picking a Canon character, keep in their Canon personality.

-Character development is allowed after the roleplay starts.

-Don't spam here. Just... NO.

-Anyone may join! But make sure to reserve a character to stay inside this guild! Anyone who doesn't post a reservation within 3 days (which is more than enough time), will be kicked. After reserving, you have a week to post the character sheet.

-No one is invincible, so don't act like you are, but don't kill anyone without permission. That includes Mysterion, as he can die and respawn, but don't do it without permission. Seriously.

-Going with the above rule, don't always dodge attacks if you have a low speed.

-I expect AT LEAST 2 sentences per post with proper grammar.

-No emoticons outside of OOC. Unless you are texting another character.

-Put OOC in double brackets, like so--> [[OOC Blah blah]]

-Try to stay active. Over one month of inactivity without any notice will get you kicked out and get your character given away.