A new generation of Shinigami have emerged. Even for the new generation of shinigami, they have their times where war has broken out and a time of peace. Just coming out of a massive war with their enemies in Hueco Mundo, there has been an era of peace. But as of late, a new threat has slowly arisen, setting their sights both on Hueco Mundo and the Soul Society. Will that peace be able to last? Or will it diminish in the heat of a rising battle that can rock the separate worlds?

The Gotei 13 is the organization which most Shinigami join. It is split into thirteen divisions, with several divisions having certain specializations. The Gotei 13 is subservient to the edicts of the Central 46 Chambers. They also have no jurisdiction over any of the noble families. The symbol of the Gotei 13 is a rhombus, all the 13 Divisions symbols are placed within the rhombus on the back of the Captains haori. The command of the divisions are generally left to the discretion of its particular Captain, who commonly runs it whatever way he/she sees fit, allowing for the change of a division's traditional duties to an entirely new set and even the creation of a separate institution connected to the division. The Gotei 13's main duty is to defend the Seireitei but they are also allocated districts Rukongai to defend. In addition to these duties, Shinigami also have to deal with the business of being assigned to the Human World.

The Order of the Black Flame is an organization composed of members from various races. This Order is divided into five separate squads, each with its own specialization. Each division is headed by a general and a lieutenant. The goal of this organization is to disrupt the order of both Hueco Mundo and the Sereitei, sending them into chaos.

Hueco Mundo is the dimension where Hollows and Arrancar usually reside.
The landscape of Hueco Mundo is a seemingly never-ending white desert, with dunes like those of the Sahara. The desert is littered with what appear to be boulders and shrivelled trees, but these are actually a form of quartz. In Hueco Mundo, the moon is on the opposite lunar phase of that in the Human world. Like in Soul Society, the atmosphere is filled with Reiryoku in the form of Reishi, but it is more concentrated, thus allowing smaller Hollows to gain nourishment despite the lack of Human souls. Like that in real world deserts, active life in Hueco Mundo appears to be few and far between. Hollows generally seem to dwell below the surface or in other areas until something provokes them to leave their shelter, like the intrusion of a foreign entity.

• Keep in mind that this is a PG-13 guild...
• This is an Alternate Universe guild, meaning that no Canon Characters exist.
• NO Godmodding. Godmodding is a bannable offense in the guild. If you get caught G-Modding at least three times, you will be banned.
• If you can't G-Mod, you can't Auto-hit, either. Autohitting is a form of play in which a player, while in battle, attacks an opponent and forces a player to take the hit by describing it in their posts. Basically, it's the act of forcing your opponent to do something without giving them time to respond.
-Captains and other leading characters CAN do this to lower ranking characters if they FEEL they need to.
-Autohitting can NOT result in a character death without given permission from the RP'er that is playing the character.
• Please post your profile in the profile sub forum before beginning to role play. Simply post a new thread with your RPC’s name as the title of the thread and also what race the RPC is. And also, it has to be approved of before you start to RP anywhere within the guild.
All squads have different Specialties. Try applying to a squad that you believe matches your character and please listen to the Captain and Vice Captain of the squad.
• If you want to advertise your guild, please PM the GC. Don't advertise it in the main forum, unless stated otherwise.
If you wish to see the entire list of rules and regulations then please go here.

• Be respectful to other players.
• Guild officers have final say in all disputes.
• Follow all Gaia guild and Gaia forum rules. Failure to do so will be immediate banning and [If serious enough] a report to Gaia Mods from us.
• Never disrespect the Captain, Vice Captains or higher ranking officers.
• Please respect others and do not cause unneeded drama
• Anyone found helping another to be disrespectful to others will be reprimanded accordingly.
-Join Requests-
•In order to join our guild a literate roleplay sample must be provided in your request.
•This is a literate guild and only literate people will be accepted so try to do your best.
•Make the sample at least one long paragraph, though more is always better.
Please send all guild donations to the guild mule. Just click here to donate!
--If you want to become an affiliate, please contact the Guild Captain for more information.--

((Our sister guild! biggrin ))