Greetings Fellow Gaian's,

(Please Check out Our Affiliated Guild Below)

Many of the RPG's on Gaia are based on current and past Anime TV series, Video Games, and other interests out their.

Have you ever wondered how to create either an Anime TV series or how to create an Original Anime Role Playing Game? Writers of both Manga books & Anime TV series have to consider many things like characters, settings, plots, and themes. Come join me in the creative writing challenge aspect of new and original series.

Once a few original RPG's have been created on this Guild please join me in posting to them. The more posts that members do the better that I will get at creating new RPG's. I will also consider creating RPG's based on current and past Anime series or current or past video games. If it's a series or video game that I'm not familiar with I would like the member that put in the request to help me create it so that it will be accurate.

I have done a lot of creative writing in the past and have posted in a Star Trek Role Playing Game online for over 3 years. So I'm fairly good at writing detailed posts and knowledgeable about RPG's in general. I'm new at running RPG's all by myself so please be patient and kind if I goof something up. As time goes by I will ask or pick members to become crew members. Crew members will mostly be members that are really good at posting in RPG's and or good at maintaining and running either a Guild or an RPG.

Also I have been playing board games, card games, video games, and strategy games most of my life. I'm an experienced Game Master who has run Dungeon and Dragon and Star Trek based Role Playing campaigns in the past. I'm very good at explaining the rules of different games. That skill will come in handy in helping Gaians create characters, settings, write posts, etc. Please note that I have a basic post format that I will use in the RPG's. If a member prefers a different posting format please let me know so that I can check it out.

I have watched a lot of different TV and DVD Anime series. I also have general interests in Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Cosplaying, Anime, Manga, Science, and reading.

Being detail oriented and having a good imagination will help me create original RPG's. The original role playing games in this guild will be either ones that I have created or ones that are created in a group effort. I appreciate any and all tips to tweek a RPG that has been created. Also I'm new to running RPG's. As time goes on I will get better at running RPG's based on feedback about the RPG's that have been created and seeing how people post

I would like this guild to be open, friendly, creative, and informative. Any experienced writers, especially experienced Role Playing game posters are encouraged to join and share their knowledge and skill.

I will write general rules for creating characters and on posting in role playing games. Any reasonable tips for improvements on these rules will be considered. If a tip is not considered I will provide an explanation as to why I either don't like the idea or why it won't work. I'm fair and will apologize for any mistakes or confusion that comes up.

I (The Captain) reserves the right to moderate any disputes that arise and to question the content of posts in Role Playing Games and topics. Keep in mind that many of the rules that I come up with are my opinion of the subject.

When I run a RPG based on a current and or popular anime series feel free to let me know when something isn't quite right. Even though I prefer detailed posts I will accept generalized posts as well.

Above all have fun helping to create new RPG's or tweaking ones that are based on current Anime or Video Games and of course playing characters in them!! I look forward to posting with the members of this Guild!!

Here are the RPG's that I have created so far

1. "Hero on a Quest" RPG - Type Warrior / Mage
2. "Forest Adventure" RPG - Type Warrior / Mage
3. "Higema Detective Agency" RPG - Type
Martial Arts (Regular & Warrior) / Horror
4. "Dragon Lance" RPG - Type Dungeon & Dragons
5. "Secret Witch Club" RPG - Comedy / Supernatural
6. "Tsubasa Chronicles" RPG (Based on the Collected Memories series) This will be the first RPG based on a current Anime series. I own the series on Blu Ray which will help me keep it accurate. If you are not familiar with this Anime series please feel free to ask any questions about it.
7. "Tsubasa Revelations Chronicles - Dramatis Personae" RPG (Based on the secondary characters of the Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles Anime / Manga series)

Anime Conventions: The Global Connection
A guild dedicated to sharing/discussing conventions, Cosplay, anime, and Manga from across the world 
Tags: Convention, Cosplay, Anime, Gaming, Manga 

Anime Conventions: The Global Connection Guild

Please Click on the Link Above to check out our Sister Guild

Ron / Chante (Smithers456)
Guild Captain