Welcome to Gaia! ::

Dapper Gaian

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We'll play this game again...
.::Artistic Antics::.
For Gaian Commissions Alone
Commission Status:

(for the public)

Hello and welcome, all the while inserting blah, blah--bullshit that comes with 'servicing' a costumer... Listen, I've worked retail on their terms... for years. And for years my creative flares have been ignored, set aside and otherwise pushed off. Now if I'ma maintain my own digital shop, by Gods, it's my turn to say who, what, when 'n where and veto whoever the fu--fruit I please.


Now that we have an understanding, m'lovelies, step right up! hop in line--this might be a bumpy ride.

'SkorchedUtopia'/The Notorious Miss Amanda:
I usually just copy 'n paste my livejournal bio, but this is Gaia, afterall and my journal antics aren't 'stellar' for the public. I promise I don't bite, only nibble upon request and while at times I appear to be a rather conceited, fiendish, tea-drinking b***h--I can guarantee you, I am. The only way to counter my narcissistic tendencies is by understanding one thing: acceptance. People, in their own depraved, glorious right, are human. Since the dawn of time they have flaunted this trait and will continue to do so until God, the Goddess or whatever else you deem Holy, presses the 'self-destruct' button. Even unto the Day that Kingdom Come, they'll forever have their blighted quirks, idiosyncrasies and simple stupidity. You know what else? There's not a damn thing you can do 'bout it. Once you realize this, sweetcheeks, our primal purposes will suddenly make clear and utter sense.

Mankind is born to breed and breeds to die.
You've only got one shot, kiddo, make it count.

exclaim Updates exclaim
[April 24th, 2006] CLOSED.

Dapper Gaian

Requirements, Quirks, & all that Jazz
This is where I sound like a hard-a**

On the rare occasion that I'm accepting commissions, the following is to be kept in mind:
exclaim I do not draw mecha, furry/furre-personas. Period.
exclaim As per Gaia.Online's user policy everything, including my artwork, is be kept PG-13. (Real commissions--involving cash--this rule doesn't apply)
exclaim Mild Yaoi/Yuri is acceptable.
exclaim I'm not a huge fan of 'fanart'. While in some cases I'll try my best, in general, I shy away from such. Original characters or fan-characters based off of a series, only. [i.e. Naruto, Resident Evil, etc.]
exclaim Specialities: people, stylized chibis and other likenesses. These, and certain creatures like horses are a 'strong' point for me, though, I'm hardly afraid to try something new. Look into the 'examples' section to see what I'm capable of doing--Backgrounds are Photoshopped... 90% of the time.
exclaim I retain the 'rights' to the image. In other words: if I want to paste the drawing on galleries, websites, all that jazz... I can.
exclaim I don't improvise well when it comes to character design, but nor do I like having every line spelled out for me. Be broad in your commission descriptions--just not vague.
exclaim I choose the medium. You can suggest a medium if you'd like, but in the end I have the final call. Somedays I just prefer pencil over digital work and vice versa.
exclaim Prints are not available through Gaian Commissions.
exclaim I'm sure there will be more rules to come.

In purchasing a commission, follow these general guidelines:
exclaim Drop a note either here, on this thread, or send me a PM. I won't lie to you and say I'm not choosy about the commissions I accept--so in contacting me, please give me a rough idea of what you'd like done. [i.e. a RPG character, avatar drawing]
exclaim Pricing is a difficult subject because unless I'm bidding on a request, I'm not sure what sort of effort/time is going to be put into a drawing. Regardless, the amount will be decided based on what you've instructed before I begin the image.
exclaim Yes, I am the Queen of Procrastination... but patience, m'lovelies, will earn your brownie points--as it will with all the artists here on Gaia.

In Regards to Prices
exclaim Simple avatar portraits, character renditions can be done for about 20k.
exclaim Medium Involvement avatar portraits and character renditions run about 30k-40k.
exclaim Involved pieces, such as complex designs, specific backrounds, multiple people, etc... you'll be lookin' at about 50K+.
exclaim I won't start a commission unless a trade for the full amount is started and confirmed.
exclaim As for bribery: Items, love (tea!) and even your own artwork makes good leverage against my greed.
exclaim Too expensive? Well, look at it this way, you pay for what you get.

Why I'd ever reject a commission...(and none of it's personal, I promise):
exclaim I am a victim of Muse, darlings. And unless the commission strikes -his- fancy, this poor, pitiable artist is powerless against his will. So keeping this in mind, there's only so many pink power-puff chickie mommas I can do in a lifetime.
exclaim It's inconvenient. Either your timing is really bad and I'm swamped or 'real life' is bitin' me in the a**--either way, it's a no go.
exclaim Not enough money involved.
exclaim NOTE: It's a shame I even have to mention this, but I will say it here and now. If I kindly decline your offer, under NO circumstance am I to be flamed. Even through emails, IMs, PMs -- you flame me, I won't even bother TOS'ing your a**, I'll take you on myself. There's this thing called 'ego-search'... yeah, Gods love ya if I ever have to use it. This is ridiculous people, I'm technically doing art for free -- I shouldn't have to deal with flamers because I don't feel like slaving away for worthless Gaian gold.

Each Commission is Different!

Dapper Gaian

.::Tricks of the Trade::.
Past Commissions, Examples, Favorites
The Few, the Lucky, the Proud
...or the exploited, take your pick.

Personal Samples:
Hand Me My Leather - A completely digital render of the Notorious Miss Thyme.
A Night Out on the Town - My alter-ego tossing aside her usual adornments and lookin'... female.
Temptation - Yet again, Thane James Thyme seething her superiority... even in the bedroom.. (PG-13)
Come Know Me - Another original character of mine that paints rather beautifully, no?
San Fran - She's not butch, I promise. >.> All Hail.
Sweet the Sting - Thane James Thyme makes yet another appearance in a pencil blunder as a young woman.
Ibdol of Amarante - A digital inking study that I feel turned out well enough to share.
Merchant Extraordinaire - Same technique for this one as the image above and from the same story, no less.
Hoodoo: A San Fran Portrayal - A prized portfolio piece that I spent a good portion of my life on.
Cactus - [jess]Ika Dawn Reeves makes a return to the world of Muse.
Bohemian - [jess]Ika Dawn Reeves digitalled inked and obsessed over for a good twelve hours.
One Day... - Thane James Thyme. 'One day I'll be blessing you...'
Wish You Were Here - Belial, mixed media and oddly soft.
Tomorrow Never Comes - The dark skinned angel, pensive.

Gaian Commissions:
Ayama - An Avatar portrait that was entirely too much fun. I dubbed it the 'Greek God Effect'. <3
Symphonie - I absolutely love these two original characters. Smexy.
Noraboo - Done for the infamous name-bearer.
Aisha - A very simple example of my portrait skills.
Abla - A second commission for Symphonie that I absolutely adored doing.
Mist Niyati - An Art-Contest entry for Queen Zenobia. S'posedly, the most creative. <3

Other art stuffs can be found under the 'ol homie, portfolio or on deviantART.

Dapper Gaian

.::Friends, Lovers, Affilliates::.
Equal Oppurtunist for all sorts of Sexing

My Banner:
(Just drop me a note 'n paste this banner 'n I'll return the favour.)
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Affilliates always Desired/Molestered/Adored!

Dapper Gaian

.::The Concentration Camp::.
Commission Queue
Crust of Bread, Glass of Water
--Enjoy Your Wait--

On Base:
(not just here on Gaia, but all the projects I'm toiling over as is)
1. ---
2. ---
3. ---

Waiting List:
1. ---
2. ---
3. ---

(those that are being debated)
1. ---
2. ---
3. ---

(either because Muse hates me or the trade wasn't sent)

Muchos Amore'.

Dapper Gaian

Contests, Collaborations & other Charades
...and don't forget the tea-drinking ninjas!
Ph43r what is to be Ph34r3d

The Amanda-fish is currently seeking:
[Also dubbed as: Amanda's wish'n's**t column]
Customized Emoticons featuring any of the following:
--Thane James Thyme
--Blankha "San Fran" Thelander (with various eye-patch symbols)
--[jess]Ika Dawn Reeves
It'd be a series of 10 or so various emoticons with chib'o'fied faces and I'm willing to pay up to 10k for 'em. They'd be decently small, maybe 100x100pixels a piece 'n in .gif format.
D e v i l T a i l ! *laughter ensues* Oh Gods, I can dream, can't I?

<center>Fresh outta tea 'n idears, methinks.</center>

Dapper Gaian

"Open up my eager eyes...
...'Cuz I'm Mister Brightside..."


~The Notorious Miss Amanda

Friendly Friend

Hm.... im interested wink
how much would a colored, shoulders up avatar be?

(and if i wanted it two in that pic, both shoulders up, would it be double?)

Friendly Friend

Ooo you're thread is lucky! I just got a blue giftbox xd

Dapper Gaian

Hm.... im interested wink
how much would a colored, shoulders up avatar be?

(and if i wanted it two in that pic, both shoulders up, would it be double?)

It must be lucky, I got a treasure chest earlier!

*gasp!* It's magic!

As far as an avatar portrait... shoulders up? 1k should suffice. If you wanted two people, for whatever reason, it'll be 'bout 1.5k.

~The Notorious Miss Amanda

Dapper Gaian

wow this is really nice.. whee
I'll have to check back and find out when your open ^^

Dapper Gaian

wow this is really nice.. whee
I'll have to check back and find out when your open ^^


It's rather rotten that I bump my own thread that's not even open in the first place, ne? *sips tea* But anywhore, as soon as I am done with Amaya's commission I'll be 'out to pasture' once again.

Thanks for stoppin' in!


~The Notorious Miss Amanda

invasora's Fav

Monster Streaker

wow this is really nice.. whee
I'll have to check back and find out when your open ^^

I second that.

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