Welcome to Gaia! ::

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3nodding **FRIENDLY REMINDER** 3nodding -- Nobody in this post is selling pets. Don't ask to buy any or if we can get you one. We are not a shop, just an informative sticky. Please only post here if you have a question or a helpful post to add.

Also, bear in mind that we do not camp out in this sticky so posting five or six times in a row demanding we answer your question won't get it answered any faster. One post is all you need to make and someone will answer it when they see it. If you don't get an answer, that probably means your question was answered somewhere on this front page and you should go back and try reading again.

We do not need bumps and if you got a pink link/box/trunk from this post, great, we're happy for you. You don't need to post to tell us. It just creates more spam for the mods to have to delete later.

This is our beloved mascot, Piggypig. You will see him throughout the thread in various posts as he tries to help you understand how things work. He doesn't mind if you take his lineart to color him and post your attempt in the thread, but he is NOT free to take to start a shop with. He is merely our example. And cuddlewhore. <center>User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.</center>

Table Of Contents
1. Introduction/What is a Pet
2. Etiquette For Buyers/Lurkers
3. Etiquette For Sellers
4. Setting Up A Successful Shop: How To Make It Happen
5. How To Collaberate: Making A Shop Partnership Work
6. Good Pets Vs. Bad Pets
7. Coloring Tutorial
8. Auctions, Events & Raffles: How To Run Them And Participate In Them
9. Tips For Advertising/Affiliating
10. Pet Pricing Guide
11. How To Make A Sig Randomizer
12. Where To Find Image Hosting
13. The Do's And Don'ts of Pet Editing
14. Pet Roleplaying Etiquette
15. Shop Spotlight: The Monthly Pick

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If you're a newcomer to this forum, you're likely wondering what exactly pets are, how you can take part in owning and selling them, and where to find the little buggers.

Well, you've come to the right place to get started! My friends and I have compiled an extensive guide that compiles and answers the most common questions asked by newcomers in an effort to give everybody a better understanding of how things work! 3nodding

To navigate this guide, please refer to the table of contents above. The number in front of each topic indicates which post number it can be found in.

If you have any questions that have NOT already been addressed in this guide, please respond to the topic with your questions/concerns and they will be addressed when convenient.



A pet is a graphic of an animal/person/object that is displayed in your Gaia signature. They are purchased on this forum and are often used as key elements to roleplaying that takes place herein. To make things easier, I will address each point in a Q/A format.

Q: Where do I get a pet?
A: From the shops in this forum

Q: Where are the shops?
A: Almost every thread in the Breedable/Changing Pets forum is a shop. Explore a few threads and you'll figure it out.

Q: Why doesn't my pet appear next to my avatar after I buy it?
A: Because pets are not an official Gaia item. They will not appear in your inventory or on your avatar. You simply put them in your sig or on your webpage after buying them and roleplay them here.

Q: I have a pet, how do I get it into my sig?
A: Go to: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profile/profile.php?mode=editprofile and scroll down until you get to the text box reading Signature. Once you're there, take the URL your pet is being supplied at and put in the following code:
<img src="put the URL of your pet in here">

Obviously you replace "put the URL of your pet in here" with the actual URL of your pet or it won't work. Your pet should then show up in your sig.

Q: I'm at a shop I like. How do I get a pet?
A: First, check to see if any are available. Then, if there are, follow the instructions the shopowner has set for obtaining one. Each shop is different.

Q: I don't like any of the pets here. Am I allowed to make myself a one-of-a-kind pet to display in my sig?
A: You most certainly are. That's entirely up to you.

Q: Are pets like tamagotchis? Do I need to feed/water/clean up after/play with them?
A: For the mostpart, no, but this varies from center to center. If your pet is interactive and requires you to care for it as well as roleplay it, the center you got it from likely has instructions on how to do so listed on its front page. Never hurts to go back and re-read.

Q: Why do pets cost so much?
A: It all depends on supply and demand. Despite what people think, the shopowners don't set their pets' prices, the buyers do. If a pet is very popular, it is likewise very expensive.

Q: Can I take art from another site that isn't mine and put it in my sig as my pet?
A: Not unless you have the artist's permission. Otherwise you may be contacted by a mod and asked to remove it.

Q: Why am I not allowed to take someone else's pet, put my name on it, and put it in my sig? Its just a picture...
A: Because, despite the fact its "just a picture" that is considered theft. You are taking something someone else paid for fairly and claiming it as yours. This is something people have recieved an official warning and even a banning over in the past and...well...its just common sense that you shouldn't do it.
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The Breedables world is divided into two classes. If you are not a seller, then you fall into the buyer/lurker category. This, of course, means that you are one of the many people who are seeking a pet and browsing the threads to find the right one for you. This is an awkward and often-intimidating position to be in, but there are some key points to follow to ensure that you do not irritate the shop owners or end up with a bad name for yourself before you quite know what you're doing.

1. Observe Before You Post -- This is possibly one of the most crucial elements. By watching a thread's activity, you will learn how the regulars of that thread behave and what's considered acceptable. Its so much easier to introduce yourself after getting a feel for the community and being able to fit in right away than it is to come barging in without knowing what's going on and possibly irritating those around you.

2. Sold Out Means Sold Out -- When you're first starting out, one of the first things you may notice is that most of the shops in the forum do not have any pets in stock. While this is a little frustrating for a beginner, the best thing to do is simply respect this and move on. Bookmark the page for later and come back at another time to see if there are more. Do NOT harrass the shop owner for a pet if there are none available. They find it very upsetting.

3. Read The Front Page -- The front page of most shops will answer all of the questions that you may have as this is where the rules, availability, FAQ, and such will be found. Shopowners spend a lot of time and effort on fine-tuning the aspects of their shop and they appreciate it more than you know when you take the time to read things over instead of derailing whatever's going on in their thread to ask them something that's easily-answered in their first few posts.

4. Abide By The Shop Rules -- Even if you think they're too strict, too nitpicky, or you otherwise don't like them, if you want to take part in a shop, be prepared to abide by the set rules. Not doing so causes static among the other thread regulars and not only results in general annoyance toward your presense, but may find you on that particular shop's blacklist.

5. When Buying, Pay Promptly -- If you have succeeded in obtaining a pet through a sale, it is good manners to pay for your pet promptly once you've finalized how much you owe the shopkeeper. Its considered unsettling to not send your payment, or worse yet, to send it but then never finalize the trade.

6. Be A Good Sport -- If you've lost a pet in a sale to someone else, people will think highly of you if you're a graceful loser and offer a congratulations to the other(s) rather than if you throw a fit in-thread about how its not fair. Even though it may not seem like it at the time, good behavior WILL be remembered and may lead to good things for you later on.

7. Make An Effort To Use Proper Grammar/Spelling -- We can't all be Shakespeare, true, but people will take you much more seriously if you attempt to sound intelligent in your posts. For example, posting "Hello everyone, I'm new here! If its all right with you, I'll just lurk awhile" is much better-recieved than "LOLOLOL HAY GUYZ WUTZ GOING ON IN DIS THRED???//".

8. Don't Use Guilt Tactics -- There's a flat sale coming up and you see a pet that you decide you simply can't live without. Chances are, there are others thinking the exact same thing. Its not nice to post sob stories and millions of crying 's as you tearfully explain why you should be the only one allowed to own that pet. Everyone has a fair chance at any pet going up for sale and there should be no reason to make them feel otherwise.

9. Don't Attempt To Buy Other Users' Pets -- This should go without saying, but PMing someone to attempt to buy pets out of their sig or on their webpage is a no-no. They will likely get annoyed at your wanting to take it away and ignore your messages or send you a nasty response. Instead, ask them where they got it and most will point you in the direction of the center it came from.

10. Do Not Steal Pets From Shops Or Other Users -- Sure, Gaia's a big place and it might take you awhile to get caught, but sooner or later you will. Its not okay to take pets that don't belong to you either from the shops themselves or from other users. It will cause upset among other users, shopowners, and might even result in a mod's involvement.

11. Do Not Post "Please Sell Me A Pet" Threads -- Lately there seems to be a rash of people posting threads such as "Can anybody sell me a <insert pet here>?" and "I want to buy a pet for 200G". You will have more success if you go to the shops than if you wait for the shops to come to you. All these threads do is clutter up the front page and annoy others. To find a particular pet you are looking for, you may want to refer to a resource such as The List to look over the pets Gaia off

12. Do Not Resell/Auction Pets You Have Bought -- When purchasing a pet, you have bought the right to display it in your sig, RP it, and have your name put on its certificate. That's it. It does not automatically grant you the right to do whatever you please with your pet. If you've decided that you're tired of your pet and no longer want it, you should contact the store owner about issuing you a refund. Attempting to hold your own auction or sale for a pet you have purchased without the storeowner's permission is a serious offense in the breedables forum and will likely find you in a world of trouble.

13. Plan To Save Up -- Its a known fact in the breedables forum that prices can get pretty outrageous for pets that people really want. Some have been known to climb into the range of millions of gold! If there's a pet you've set your sights on having and its fairly popular, chances are you won't get it the first, second, or even the third time you try for it. Be prepared to save up or start a quest to reach your goal so that the next time a chance rolls around to get the pet in question, you'll be well-prepared with lots of items and gold to spend.

Dapper Citizen

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So you have your idea. You feel confident that you are ready to go. Time to set up shop and start selling!

But wait! Stay awhile my entrepreneurial friend. We have some advice for you. We as buyers and sellers want to see your shop succeed. A successful shop is one that runs smoothly, with satisfied customers and a gracious and dutiful owner. Here we hope to provide some advice that will aid you in forming a shop that will withstand the test of time.

<center>BEFORE YOU OPEN SHOP</center>

Yes. There are steps you must take before you even secure yourself a thread on the forum. Here is a check off list for your reference. If there is even one item you have unchecked seriously reconsider starting your shop until the item is taken care of. Some of these items will have a recommended treatment

1. I have read through this first page of this thread in its entirety.
Yes indeed, even posts that seem at first to have anything to do with selling. It will help you understand some of the common problems that sellers have with buyers so you can make clear and concise codes of conduct in your shop

2. I have an new and interesting changeable/breeding pet that will not be another drop in the bucket and is my own work, intellectually and physically.
We are looking for new and fresh! Flying kitties and faeries are stale, bring in the power-tools, the armadillos, and kobolds! If your pet does not change, does not breed, or is the same cookie cutter image with a single hue adjustment this is not the forum for your shop.
Recommended Treatment: Read Good Pets vs Bad Pets and browse the forum not for what has been done, but for what has not been done. If your pet is non-breedable/non-changeable/or mass produced then consider moving your market to the main Minishops forums
Red Flag: If your product is not your own, be it the concept or the art itself DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SELL IT. No matter how obscure you think the source is remember that there hundreds of thousands of users on Gaia. Chances are that someone will catch you, you will be punished if not banned, and all your customers will be required to relinquish their pet. There is no fury like a customer scorned or an artist ripped off. Just. Don't. Do. It.

3. I have a reliable host for my images

The dreaded X should be banished from your kingdom, lest your frighten the good townsfolk of Gaia

Recommended Treatment: Read Where to Find Good Image Hosting.

4. I am confident I have time to run my shop and even have several of my pets ready to go.

Nothing makes us sadder to see a wonderful idea spring up sending us scrambling for an infant just to see CLOSED in the thread title a month later. Such an event permanently damages your credibility as a seller. We understand that real life takes precedence over a forum, but with a little forethought and planning they can live in harmony. Think about what events you have coming up in life. Finals? A vacation? Think about when you want to sell the pets, grow them up, or begin breeding. Plan how many pets you can handle at a time. If your pet is not a custom made to order, make the first 2 stages of all the pets you are planning to offer for your first sale before opening shop. If your pet is custom made to order, consider having a friend be a guinea pig and make an order. This has two great benefits. First, it will let you see how much energy goes into a pet. If you are already gritting your teeth on the third pet then rethink your desire to open a shop. Secondly, by having these pets done ahead of time you will have more time to spend answering questions for prospective customers, guiding the atmosphere of your shop and preparing future events.

5. Have your text, especially Code of Conduct, ready to go.

"Coming Soon," while titillating, should not be the motto of your shop. Having write-ups ready to do when you open shop shows your potential buyers that you are serious and dedicated to your pet. A code of conduct, simply put, is an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. When you have rules ready to go you n** the common problems in customer relations in the bud. Make your rules clear and to the point and stick to them!

<center>RUNNING YOUR SHOP</center>

So now you have your shop up, you have lurkers and well wishers, there seems to be a general air of acceptance of your wares. How do you go about running your shop now? Read on my friend. Read on.

1.)How to sell your pet

There are many ways and methods by which to sell your pet, but here are some of the tried and true methods. You are not limited to these methods alone, in fact a unique selling method is a big draw for a pet.

A flatsale is any event in which a large batch of pets are sold to the public for a set, or "flat," price. Price suggestions are available later in this thread. The flatsale is the best method for a shops first sale, as it gets several examples of your pet out into the public. A flatsale might be a contest of speed (who can post first after a signal,) cunning (who can answer a question first,) or creativity (who can write the best post within a set time frame.) Always announce your flatsales well ahead of time for the best turnout and always stick to format you have advertised.

Auctions are usually reserved for special/custom editions of your pet. Users bid gold, items, or a combination thereof until the time limit or the autobuy (a high price set by the seller that a bidder can offer to instantly win the pet) is met. Use auctions in moderation! Too many auctions can alienate your customers and potential buyers.

In a raffle tickets are sold, traded, or given away and a winner is chosen at random. This method can be combined with the flatsale to create a more random manner with choose who will be able to buy your pet

Anything goes! Art contests, character creation, RP contests, and scavenger hunts! Be creative and have fun.

-Pet trade
Last but not least the pet trade option. See a pet out there you like? Maybe they like your pet too! Consider offering a trade but like the auction use this method in moderation. Just as a pet should not be made for the sole purpose of making gold, a pet should not be made to obtain other pets. It's good to have a set number in mind of how many pets you are willing to use for trade and remember that you do not have to accept every offer you receive.

Be sure to control how many of your pets are out and about. This will help keep users interested in your pet and keep your workload manageable

2. Keep your workload manageable

I just said it and I will say it again, KEEP YOUR WORKLOAD MANAGAEBLE. Do not sell more pets than you can keep up with, don't make commitments you can't keep, and limit the number of obligations you have to other shops. This can be very hard if your creative mind keeps tugging your sleeve with new ideas. Did you get a new idea for another pet while running a current project? See if you can't work it in some how with a new form, accessory or event! This will help you remain interested in your pet.

3. Keep your customers notified of your working status k

If you are going on a vacation or will be away from your computer for even just a few days, let your customers know as a courtesy. If you are not accepting pet trades, make a note of it. If finals are coming up and you are going to be too busy to do some hatchings, breedings, or a other changes say it loud. A vanishing shop owner puts customers on edge and taking the time (as annoying as it can be) to inform them will make them more accepting of your absence and cut down on nagging PMs or possible complaints.

4. Don't make your pet your personal bank

Which is to say don't make a pet just because you want to put some more gold in navigator bar and items in your inventory.

Of course you use your gold from your pets to buy items or services, but resist the urge to hold a special auction or flatsale every time you see an auction on the horizon, a new item release, or have a new quest item. Pets should be for their own sake first, community second, and maybe gold third. Having a "benefit auction" or two in the course of running your shop is just fine, but if every week you are holding a "Help me get my minis!" or an "Help me get a *insert pet here*" auction you can come off as greedy and using your customers.

5. Use special benefits in moderation

Of course we all want to help a friend, and we certainly aren't going to hold it against you if you give a pet or two to your best bud, sister, significant other, ect. But if it seems that most of the pets on your owners list were given as gifts or that only certain close pals of yours have the nicest coloring jobs or unique accessories then you might want to rethink who you are really trying to serve.

6. Keep your temper in check.

Oh it is so hard! I know it is. There is always that n00b of the week who wanders in asking "HOW CN I G3T A PET???" or that one pet owner that seems to always seems to be pushing the envelope. The customer isn't always right, it's true but hollering and throwing them on the blacklist on the first offense won't solve a thing. If a newbie wanders into the thread and disrupts your RP take a minute to direct them to the first page. New people are starting on Gaia every day and while it's annoying at first, you never know who might be your next star customer. If a pet owner is causing you trouble, send them a tactful PM voicing your concerns. Don't punish them without first offering an explanation of what where they went wrong. The blacklist of your shop should be reserved for repeated offenders and thieves.

Above all!

Keep your pet enjoyable for your customers and you!

~ Wasabineko
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HELLO THERE. i am here to talk to you about how to make a successful shop. this is not to say that i am the paragon for all that is successful, but dammit, we all learn from our mistakes.

first and foremost: DO NOT BITE OFF MORE THAN YOU CAN CHEW. that's all i have to say about that. now, on to the pertinent information:

lanzer deliciously bestowed upon all of us threadmakers a coveted 15 posts as the first page of all threads. how you use these 15 posts are up to you, but use them wisely! you also are given the ability to edit these posts, and edit the title of your thread. you can use BBCode and HTML in your posts, and you can also imbed images into your posts. HTML/BBCode and images are a big key to unlocking the success of a good thread.

step one: decide how many posts you want to use. be sensible, because not all pets necessitate using up all 15 posts on the first page.

some people like to use up all of them because they actually have a ton of information, but sometimes people run out of things to say, and just end up wasting a few posts at the bottom, either leaving them blank, or just filling them with useless stuff. you may want to avoid this by only using as many spaces as you think are really necessary.

outside of gaia, start writing down what you'd like to use your posts for. most people format their pets along this rough guideline:

1st post: Welcome Information
2nd post: Explanation and Example of pets
3rd post: How to get the pet
4th post: Current owners
5th post: Breeding information
6th post: Pet Item "Shop"
7th post: Links or Mailing list
8th post: Blacklist
9-15: Miscellaneous

please note that the quote is just a rough example of how people set up their threads... it's not set in stone.

with more RP-involved pets, you might want to use up all 15 posts. that way if you want to add anything in the future you will have more room to write up information.

step two: start typing up the information you want to put in your posts.

use a program outside of the gaia 'post topic' window to type up your post. that way, you can save your progress instead of losing it all if your browser decides to crash. get someone to revise your information, and check for any spelling and grammatical errors. also, don't write down too too much info about your pets! i'm not saying 'dumb it down' but you don't want people to have to read through a novel's length post when you are just trying to get across a simple point. (however, make your stories or history as long as you want, because those are posts that people like to take the time to read through!)

step three: use formatting in your thread. formatting, like HTML and UBBcode, make your thread look prettier, and easier to read.

make your 'headers' bigger than your body text. if you also use a separate colour for headers as compared to the body text, people are given a visual break that will let their eyes coast between different topics. it also helps people find specific topics that they may be looking for.

for instance, you can use a setup like this:

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you can see 'header text' (big green font) followed by information (grey font). also, there is an image aligned on the left, to make the post look more appealing.

step four: images! examples! these are your friends! since people aren't buying text, you should give them examples of what they are actually spending their money on.

you'll want to provide your customers with either examples of the current pets that you've created, or you can give them 'teaser' graphics, like silhouettes that only show a detailed outline of yoru pets.

another great add-on to your thread is the presence of title graphics and dividers. many great pet threads have graphical dividers, which are very easy to make and waste very little bandwidth. you can make a plain divider my creating a 10x500 pixel rectangle in your art program, and colouring it with contrasting hues. these dividers make your thread look professional and 'clean' and also give buyers the impression that you know what you're talking about.

step five: finally, don't get too caught up in the work! give yourself a good break so you don't get overworked by your business.

you don't have to make your main thread the same day that you've come up with the concept for your pets. plan it out, and spend time tweaking and tinkering with your work. play with different plans in your head and then put them into action. remember, you can always re-vamp your thread if you don't like the look of it.

spend a few moments each day to look over your thread, and admire your hard work. make corrections, or add new things. be sure to keep your thread updated, and interesting. add a story, or a new divider, or a graphic here or there. keep people re-visiting your front page, because it's not just the art that sells your pets- it's the community, and your community starts with an involved front page.

i hope this helps! i may add on a few quick hints and tips, later in the post- but for now, good luck! ^_____^;
<center><img src="http://www.demire.net/junk/banner5.gif"></center>

The Basics of co-owning:

-Develop a strong level of trust.
-Communicate with eachother... a lot.
-Split the work as evenly as possible.
-Split the pay as evenly as possible.
-Don't do things behind the other owner's back that will later anger them.
-Establish ground rules before even releasing the pet.
-Discuss how pet trades will go.
-Don't suddenly change ideas or agreements to your liking.

Running a successful shop on your own is a very big task. It takes dedication, time, patience, and above all, lots and lots of work. If you are up to doing everything on your own, (lineart, coloring, breeding, story, RP monitoring, managing the thread, events, raffles, auctions, and so on and so forth) then kudos to you. However, if you're human like the rest of us, you may want to think about the possibility of having a co-owner, or at least a few staff members to help you get your project running smoothly.

Co-Ownership: The concept behind it.

The meaning of co-owning a shop with another person is splitting everything 50/50, or in special cases, whatever the two of you agree on. That means the work gets split in half, as well as the pay. If you are two complete strangers, things tend to go icky, so make sure you choose someone you can trust, someone who is willing to help you out and participate openly, and someone who is reliable. If you are even the least bit uncomfortable with your co-worker, don't be afraid to speak up and say so. Keeping grudges bottled in only results in bigger outbreaks later on, and will not only hurt your business, but it will probably hurt your feelings as well.

In the case of co-ownership, usually one person takes the dominant role while the other ends up being more submissive. Often, the person who originally thought up the 'idea' of the pet becomes head-owner, and the person who backs the head owner up become the co-owner. However, regardless of your 'position', you should be able to comfortably discuss how you split the profits and work, and you should also be able to come to a solution rather quickly. Once again, do not hold grudges or tamper with the pets directly just to get back at your partner for doing something you were unhappy with, it's your fault in the first place for not bringing it up to them sooner!

Hiring staff members: Who to choose...

So you've got your breedables going, you've got the first batch grown up, they're ready to breed, and... onoes! You're burned out and really not in the mood to color for a little while. So you decide to hire some colorists/breeders to take some of the weight off your shoulders. Except, who.. do.. you.. choose?

There are several ways to choose who you hire for a colorist position. The first way is to hold a contest and offer the pet lineart, and judge based on who's coloring job you were most impressed with. This method is useful for finding talented artists that will make your pets look beautiful with splendid coloring, however, hiring someone you don't know well, regardless of how great their coloring is, might be a bad idea.

Before hiring someone, you should get to know them. Are they trustworthy? Do they seem like someone who is going to stick with you and your project? Have they been genuinely interested before? Consider all these factors before quickly hiring someone, otherwise you may be hiring yourself someone who really won't stay interested for long.

Another factor you have to consider is how much money you are going to pay your colorists. Most shop owners hire a few colorists and tell them that they can keep 100% of whatever profit they make off of breeding, and most colorists are satisfied with that. However, some may demand more, such as cuts from auctions or raffles. If you are not comfortable with this, talk it over, make sure that you aren't getting bossed around by your employees.
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hola~ i'm here to talk about the comparison made between good pets and bad pets. i'm not going to use any examples from the forum to say what a good pet is, or a bad pet, because that's not fair to all of the hard working petshop owners. rather, i'm going to give everybody my own hand-drawn examples of good and bad elements of breedables.

grab a seat, because i'm going to talk about something that a lot of 'oldbies' fear the most...


oh em gee, if we've seen it once, we've seen it a thousand times! the 'cliche kitty' is what i like to call pets that follow this general example:

<img src="http://www.pbbbt.net/guide/clichekitty.jpg" align="center">

holycow! wings, whiskers, antennae, big tails, more wings, cutesy eyes, big ears, vomit-inducingly-cute expression... what more could you ask for?

NOTHING! that's right, because unless you make this creature an undead zombie, there is absolutely nothing more you can add that hasn't been done already!

----more to come----
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coming soon :X
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okay, this is an oft-overlooked part to owning a breedable petshop- affiliates! advertising! linking!

the best way to make yourself known is to have a well-drawn, well-managed pet. but even the best drawn pets can stay underground because their managers refuse to kiss the babies and wave at other forumers (read: potential buyers). as a petshop owner, you want people to buy your pets, and contribute in your community- what better a way to do this than to draw people into it in the first place!

that's where advertising comes in. it's easy to do! the first thing you'll want to do is make a banner.

a banner can be of any size, but there are a few 'norms' that have been accepted socially.

<examples go here along with the sizes>

these banners, in their varying sizes, get across just enough information to lure people into looking at the pets. the smallest has a tiny thumbnail example, along with the name of the pet. the larger versions have clearer examples of the art, along with a 'tagline' or informational line, and the name of the pets.

you don't have to make your banners exceptionally flashy, but don't make them boring, either. a visually-appealing banner will easily make someone want to investigate your pets. a boring, run-of-the-mill banner will cause someone to flip over your petshop like it were just another one in a thousand.

okay, so you've made your banner- what next?

you have to 'affiliate' with other people. affiliates are two shops that agree to host each others' banners and links. if you ask another shop to host your banner, you should expect that shop to ask you the very same thing in return. it's common courtesy that your shop should host the banner of an affiliate. if you don't, you risk getting groups of people upset at you. don't be a jerk! return the favour. it WILL pay out in the end.

if you have an appealing banner, and an appealing pet, don't be surprised if you end up seeing your link banner in another thread! shop owners usually put up links to pets they have their eyes on, in their own threads. if you like a petshop, don't be afraid to put up its link. it might be a good idea to ask to affiliate.

as for the advertising end: there are a few unspoken rules that you should follow.

DO feel free to PM shop owners to ask to affiliate with your shop.
DO put up links to other petshops in your thread
DO make appealing and informative banners for your pets
DO put up a link to your pets in your signature, whether it's a text or banner link, it will do wonders to bring traffic into your thread!

DON'T make obnoxiously large banners that stretch the tables (500 pixels wide is the MAXIMUM you should make your banner, but even at that- 500 pixels is pretty wide!)
DON'T demand other shop owners to affiliate with you, or deny specific shops affiliation unless you are very opposed to linking them back. (i have seen cases where people don't want to affiliate with other shops because the shop's banner may be unappealing. if you don't want to affiliate with them, tell them why! it may sound rude, but would you want to be turned away and not know the reason why?)
DON'T use a crappy image hosting service, unless you want to see an 'Error: Bandwidth Maxed Out" error instead of your banner.

if you follow those rules, you shouldn't have a hard time linking up with other shops, and getting more traffic into your thread.
<center>User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.</center>
When setting up a shop, something people often wonder is how much they should offer their pets for. Others get discouraged when their first auction doesn't yeild hundreds of thousands of gold and wonder what it is they're doing wrong.

The way pet pricing works in Breedables is all relative to how involved a particular pet is. Some have only two stages of growth (egg to adult) while others have nine or more stages. Pets are generally priced around both demand and how much work has been put into them.

This is NOT a be-all and end-all for pricing, merely a guide:

2-Stage Pets -- The pet you are offering has two phases of life: The egg and the full-grown critter. Its a fairly cut-and-dry process with the least amount of work involved as far as breedables go. Pets such as these tend to sell within the 500G to 2,000G range.

3-Stage Pets -- These pets are the most standard-fare as far as breedables go. What we have here is the essential egg to child to adult pet. These are a bit more work but are more saught-after since it gives the buyer both a cute little baby to adore and the chance to look forward to a more mature adult stage. In flatsales, these pets tend to go for anywhere from 1,000G to 5,000G

4-Stage Pets -- Breedables start to enter the realm of getting a bit more complicated here. Some people add on an extra stage earlier on in the pet's development (egg > infant > child > adult) or put one in the middle (egg > child > teen > adult) or even on the end (egg > child > adult > elder) Wherever it falls, though, it means an extra stage and more work for the artist. Ergo, they sell for a bit more. A reasonable flatsale price range would be 2,000 to 8,000.

5-Stage And Up Pets -- This is where pets start to get very involved and complicated. This involves a lot of individual stage-drawing for each and they're very time-consuming both for owners and for the artists. As such, they tend to sell in the range of 10,000G to 25,000G in a flatsale.

It is, of course, important to price things in such a way that they work best for you. If your pets aren't selling, lowering your price may not be a bad idea. Likewise, if during your first flatsale they fly off the shelves with reckless abandon, think about upping the price next time around.

Beloved Stargazer

<center>User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.</center>

Randomizers are script that allows, when linked into a signature like if you where posting an image, allow random images to be shown at each refresh. They are, thus, good way to show off many pets at once while keeping your signature in the 500x500 pixels limit. Many different ones exist, and ill post a few there along with how to set them up correctly without any problem.

However, I just want to make something clear. Scripts are awfully easy to bug up. I've explained how to do so without messing up, but I can understand things could happen. If you really are stuck and don't know what you did wrong, then pm me and ill'd check it out and see if something messed up. BUT. You need to show me that you read the post conpletely and tried to fix the problem. I don't have the time to set up everyone's randomizers. If I see that the problem is something I warned you to check out... at best, ill tell you to reread. At worst, I won't answer you at all. So please, please, PLEASE for the love of GOD, read completely before starting to edit ! And if you have a friend that knows how please go to them before you go to me. I don't have time to help everyone.

Without further ado...

1 : ASP

This script is probabely one of the most known since it was the one Relikk had up in her sticky, but since it was unstickyed some time ago I will repost it here. First, to use this script, you will need an host that support the execution of .asp scripts, like www.1asphost.com. Keep in mind that they tend to block direct-links during the weekend, so your randomizer might stop working then. I've yet to find another good, free asp host, so if someone knows one, please pm me and ill put it up here.

First of all, copy this code into NOTEPAD (Not Word. Not Wordpad. NOTEPAD. Mac users, whatever allows you to save as a specific extention, im not too knowledgeful in that area.) :

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
Dim intNumber, intHow_many, intRandom

intHow_many = 4 ' Number of images to randomize

intRandom = Rnd()
intNumber = Int(intHow_many*intRandom + 1)

Select Case intNumber

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

End Select %>

Now, to edit it... take this line :

intHow_many = 4 ' Number of images to randomize

And change the 4 to the number of images you want to randomize. Next... those lines :

Case 1

Change the url for the url of one of the image. If you have more than 4 images, copy/paste that fragment and change the case number, like this :

Case 5

And so on. Do not edit ANYTHING ELSE ! The rest need to stay as-is for the script to work !

After you make sure everything is okay, save as and save it as something like random.asp, using notepad's file type as any so that it doesn't add the .txt ending, and then the server would see it as a text file and it won't work. This is why Word won't work. I repeat. WORD WON'T WORK. (Can you tell im sick of getting PMs about it when I said it black on white to use Notepad ?)

Then, if you don't have one allready, register an account on www.1asphost.com . This should be pretty self-explainatory. Then upload the file, and direct link it in your signature like if you where simpely adding an image, like...


And everything should be fine. If you get a red x, then make sure the numbers match in the code, then make sure each case has their own numbers.

2. PHP

This is personally one of my favorite scripts, since you don't need to always go back and edit it, all you have to do is dump the images you want in a folder, and the script will pick it up. The two downside is to find a good host that runs php and allows you to direct-link, and the fact that you cannot put direct-links into the randomizer. All the images that show up HAVE to be in the specified folder, so its completely useless to monitor hatchings/growings, and you will need to save the new image each time for it to update. It also will only pick up the jpg, png, and gif file types. Trough why would anyone want to use a bmp in a randomizer is beyond me. o_O

First, copy this into Notepad :

Based on code by Perpetual Dreamer and Alland.


Place all the files that you want into the directory of your choice,
which will be specified in the $path variable.

Then, just link to the script as a php file. Can be used in a site, such as <img src="filename.php">,
or a forum, using [img]http://yoursite.com/filename.php[/img]



//directory here (relative to script)
$path = 'random';

$i = 0;
$imgDir = opendir ($path)
while ( $file = readdir( $imgDir ) )
//checks that file is an image
$file_type = strrchr( $file, "." )
$is_image = eregi( "jpg|gif|png",$file_type )

if ( $file != '.' && $file != '..' && $is_image )
{ $images[$i++] = $file; }
closedir ($imgDir)

srand( (double) microtime()*1000000 )
$image_name = $path . '/' . $images[rand( 0,sizeof( $images ) -1 )]
$imgSize = GetImageSize( $image_name )

//ends script if no images found
if ( $i == 0 )

//Display the image


All you have to edit is the $path = 'random'; part. Random here is the name of the folder that will have the files. Just use whatever folder name you want, as long as that specific folder has the images you want to show up in the randomizer. I don't know if you can link to a folder on another host, since I've never tried it, so I don't recommand it. Save is as something like random.php

Once you found an host, create the directory you specified in the script, then upload the images you want randomized in it. Then upload the script and link it in you sig like you would for an image, exemple :


And everything should so smoothly.

Hope those tutorials where helpful, and feel free to ask questions ! Myself or someone else that knows scripts is sure to help.

Beloved Stargazer

<center>User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.</center>

Webhosts :
So you decided to create a pet, but you need some place that won't go down every 15 mins to host the pictures on. Or you have a few pets, but you need to host them on your own server. Sure, if you have a friend, or if you yourself have a domain to host it, wonderful.... But not everyone has that chance, so there is a list of decent hosts that allows direct-linking. I havn't tested them all, trough, so if one of them doesn't work please pm me so I can remove it. Some of them have pay version but all that I will post have a free equivalent of some short.

* = Images only
* = Supports ASP
* - Supports PHP

- http://www.photobucket.com/ *
- http://www.1asphost.com/ *
- http://www.7host.com * (Thanks Carramaena)
- http://www.liquid2k.com/
- http://www.photojerk.com/ *
- http://www.imagebay.org/ *
- http://www.izabel.info/ *
- http://www.5gigs.com/ *
- http://www.freesites.ws/ *
- http://www.villagephotos.com * (Thanks da_queeny)

Url Cutters :
Another problem with gaia sigs is the limited number of characters allowed. The images might fit, but the urls are too long, so it won't save. This is where those little things get handy. They allow you to create a redirect to whatever you want to put in, so you can use the short url in your sig without risking going over the character limit.

- http://www.tinyurl.com
- http://www.smallurl.com
- http://notlong.com/
- http://snipurl.com/
- http://www.shorl.com/
- http://add.redir.ek.dk/
- http://metamark.net/ (Thanks Lyth. <3)
- http://www.tinypic.com (Requires you to upload their images there, so good for sigs) (Thanks to pbBunnie)

Dapper Citizen

<center>User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.</center>

Now what does this topic entail you might wonder? Image editing tends to fall into two categories; Editing with Intent to Sell and Owner's editing.

When you make a minute alteration to an image that is not your own or have not been given explicit permission to use, place it on a tag, and offer it for sale, this is not only unfair to the original artist, but it is severely against Gaian Guidelines and can result in the termination of your account.

Don't sell other artist's work unless you have their clear consent.
Don't sell screen caps, artbook images, or other published works as pets.
Do, if you use a photo or other image for a texture or pattern, be sure that your product is still 95% your own.

The second realm of image editing is done by owners or those who desire to own. To understand the ettiquitte of this situation it is best to know the mind of an artist. The majority of artists are very protective of their works. Alterations and theft are generally frowned upon.

Don't erase a name on a certificat and replace it with your own. This is disrespectful to the artist and the true owner of the pet
Don't edit your pet out of its cert unless you have recieved permission from the shop owner
Don't change your pet's eye color, fur color, give it extra features ect.
Do ask for permission from the owner before cropping or resizing an image for a randomizer or signature collage

There is a Golden Rule in all this.
When it doubt, leave it be.
<center>User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.</center>

So you've managed to acquire a pet and you're wondering "Now what do I do with it besides make it sit in my sig and look pretty?" The answer *fanfare!* is roleplaying (otherwise known as RPing). What is roleplaying? That is when you sort of take part in writing a story with several other people involving your pets. In other words, you pretend to BE your pet. You speak for it, you perform actions for it, and you let it speak to, play with, fight with, etc the other denizens of the thread.

While most consider this a fun pasttime and a good way to meet people, there are others who take their RP seriously and use it for specific character development. How will you know who is who? How do you interact with people gracefully in a roleplaying environment? I hope to answer both questions and more as you read on. :3


1. Finding A Good Spot To Roleplay Your Pet -- Some shopowners welcome you to bring the pets you've purchased from them back into the main shop thread to interact with the other owners and lurkers therein. Others, however, prefer to keep their thread strictly-business and have set up a specified RP thread in the Breedable/Changing Pets Roleplay Forum for you to interact on. Its important that you figure out beforehand what the case is so you don't end up upsetting anyone.

It should also be noted that most roleplay threads are pet-specific. Meaning, if you go into, for example, the Piggypig RP Park, expect to see Piggypigs and their owners playing there. Most communities are lurker-friendly and don't mind someone who doesn't yet own one of those specific pets coming in to look around and make friends. Some even allow you to bring in pets that aren't from the center to roleplay so you don't feel entirely left out. However, not all of them are this way, so always remember to ASK FIRST.

2. Being IC (In-Character) and OOC (Out Of Character) -- In order to avoid confusion, its important to be able to have some sort of difference in your IC and OOC text so people won't get confused. If, for example, you are called away to dinner in the middle of roleplaying with your friends, you could do a post like this:
Greeble leapt up and caught the ball in his mouth, wagging his tail at his owner and giving a canine smile. He was a happy puppy today!

((Hey, mom's calling me for dinner, I'll be back soon))

The OOC remark has been separated from the main post with double-brackets so that your remark won't run in with your roleplaying and confuse others.

If you're visiting a thread for the first time where roleplay is rampant and you want to greet the thread denizens to alert them of your presense, or if you want to ask the shopowner a question about their shop, making an OOC statement is the courteous thing to do so no one misunderstands and thinks you're barging into their roleplay.

3. Forms of Roleplay -- There are several ways people roleplay within the breedables communities. All of them work, but some centers favor a specific sort.

  • Script Roleplay -- This is done by the roleplayer differentiating who's saying what by putting their name along with their action and their statement. This is how some people favor roleplaying multiple pets so that they don't confuse anyone.

Dory: *flies in and perches on his mistress's shoulder*
Amantha: *glares at Dory and taps a foot angrily*
Dory: *cowers* I didn't mean to stay out all night! Really! Its not my fault the signpost fell over and I lost my way!

  • Past-Tense Story Roleplay -- This form of RPing runs hand-in-hand with storytelling. It is written in the same way it would be if you were reading it out of a book. On the upside, it allows for the RPer to express more about what their character is thinking, feeling, and how they're reacting to their surroundings, but on the downside, it tends to make posts get a little lengthy
    Dory winged into the room, panting slightly and clearly exhausted as, with a final push of his leathery wings, he was able to find purchase on Amantha's shoulder. The little beast breathed a deep sigh of relief at having somewhere to perch after so long, but his relaxation was shortlived as he heard the angry tapping of his mistress's foot.
    Amantha fixed her familiar with a stony glare, her amber eyes narrowed as she wondered just what had become of him after she'd waited up well past her bedtime for his return. She'd begun to worry that he'd been eaten by passing trolls, for goddess's sake!
    Dory felt his stomach clench and looked to Amantha pleadingly. "I didn't mean to stay out all night! Really!" he stammered. "Its not my fault the signpost fell over and I lost my way!"

  • Present-Tense Story Roleplay -- This is much like past-tense story roleplay, except you write everything as though it is occurring at that very moment. There's really not much of a difference, some people just prefer to do it this way.
    Dory wings into the room, panting slightly and clearly exhausted as, with a final push of his leathery wings, he's able to find purchase on Amantha's shoulder. The little beast breaths a deep sigh of relief at having somewhere to perch after so long, but his relaxation is shortlived as he hears the angry tapping of his mistress's foot.
    Amantha fixes her familiar with a stony glare, her amber eyes narrowed as she wonders just what had become of him after she'd waited up well past her bedtime for his return. She'd begun to worry that he'd been eaten by passing trolls, for goddess's sake!
    Dory feels his stomach clench and looks to Amantha pleadingly. "I didn't mean to stay out all night! Really!" he stammers. "Its not my fault the signpost fell over and I lost my way!"

    4. Common Pet Peeves Of Roleplaying -- When roleplaying there are a few specific things one should avoid doing that disrupt the flow of the current storyline that's going on and just generally piss off those around you.
    • God-Modding -- God-modding is when your pet/character/persona is utterly untouchable and you refuse to let actions from other players apply to yourself while forcing your actions onto others. This is the person who, during a roleplayed action sequence, goes: "Your puny powers can't hurt me! *knocks aside your energy beam effortlessly, punches you in the face, knocks you over, stamps on your neck until you DIE!* I win forever!" Eww..*shudder*

    • Overuse Of Emoticons/Chat Actions -- Its better to express your character's emotion via text than with emoticons every two sentences as it makes your roleplaying look trite and more like something that belongs in a chat room than an attempt to enact a scene. "That's wonderful! Eee! I'm so happy!" Sophie smiles, spinning on one foot. sounds a lot better, for instance than "That's wonderful! =D Eee! I'm so happy!" ^_^_^_^_^ *spinz on one foot*"

    • Barging Into A Running Roleplay Without Asking -- It should go without saying but when two or three people are doing their own thing in a thread, its considered very rude to storm in and shoehorn your character in with them without asking. The polite thing to do is to roleplay your character coming into the thread, observing them, and politely waiting at a distance to be acknowledged. If they ignore you, then don't press the issue. People find it very annoying to have to scramble to accomodate an extra person when they're attempting to enact a scene of their own...especially if they have to stop and explain everything to the newcomer.

    • Being A Glory Hog -- The lesser, but just as ugly cousin of God-modding. This is when you attempt to steer the roleplay so that your character is the one seeing the most action (ie -- hogging all the fights, finding all the treasures, speaking to the elusive dieties). Give other people a chance...its not nice to leave the others out when they're just as eager as you are to participate.

    • Coming In Just To Go Sit In The Corner -- A very common thing people like to do when they don't have a particular action in mind is to post the ever-coveted *Goes and sits in the corner* or *Wanders Aimlessly* rather than actually investing a little time on an entrance and attempting to find someone to interact with. Rather, they're hoping that someone will abandon the current roleplay to come see what's wrong with them. Its not a major faux pas, but it IS considered annoying to do.

    • Controlling Someone Else's Character -- There is no faster way to cheese off a roleplayer than to take control of their character without their permission. This is when, during roleplay, someone scripts out an interaction between their own character and someone else's character entirely on their own without the other person's imput to make the RP work in their favor.

      Person A
      Person A: I'm gonna kill you!
      Person B: No you're not!
      Person A: I am so! *KAPOW!!*
      Person B: O NOES! I AM DEAD! *Bleedz!*

      Person B
      =_= WTF is wrong with you...?

  • Offering Cookies/Pocky/Etc -- Its a cute gesture to pass out treats, it really is, but its done entirely too much in RPing situations and gets old really quickly. Especially when three or four people do it in a row. With as much cookie and pocky-eating that goes on in threads, its a wonder we've not had to enstate a Breedables/Changing Atkins diet yet o_o

    4. What You Should Do --
    • DO attempt to be friendly if you're a newcomer. People will be more apt to want to include you in their roleplaying and have their pets approach you if you seem nice than if you fume about not having a pet or hide in the corners all the time.

    • DO go with the flow of whatever's happening around you rather than try to carry on your own storyline on the side that has nothing to do with anything happening. It may confuse people.

    • DO make friends with the thread regulars while roleplaying. If you interact well with the other pets in the thread, good things could happen. For example, a particular pet owner may like your RPing so much, they may choose you to recieve an egg from their pet when it breeds. Or, if one of the owners leaves Gaia suddenly, the shopowner may ask if you might like to take over as a pet's owner if they remember you to be friendly and a good roleplayer.

    • DO give everybody around you a fair chance during a roleplaying event. If someone on the other side of the room discovers something interesting, let them interact with it first rather than rushing over, muscling in beside them and attempting to force it to interact with you too.

    • DO accept losses gracefully. You can't deflect every punch in every fight...try to be realistic and acknowledge when your character has been damaged or defeated. Don't invent any last-minute tactics that made him/her avoid the damage entirely and rise up as all powerful.

    • DO leave your RP entries open so other people have room to interact with you. If you're fighting, don't post that you hit the other person. Instead, post that you've thrown a punch and await their reaction. A good roleplayer will know when to say their character has not reacted in time to avoid being hurt. In other words, it should look like:
      Person A: *draws his fist back and throws a punch at B's left jaw*
      Person B: *turns his head to avoid the punch, wincing as A's knuckles glance off his mouth. He growls, wiping at his lips before bringing up his knee into A's groin*
      Person A: *notices the attack just a bit too late and winces as pain explodes in his lower body*

    4. What You Shouldn't Do --

    • DON'T -- quote more than necessary. Its okay to quote the first one or two posts above you when replying with a roleplaying post, but if you do it too much, you end up with a horrible monster quotebeast that takes up way too much space. Some shops have even made this a bannable offense.
      For example, this is unnecessary....

  • DON'T -- blatantly ignore the other people involved in the roleplay. True, some will always be more interesting than others, but it unnecessarily hurts people's feelings when they're trying to be part of whatever's going on and the others involved are pretending they don't exist.

  • DON'T -- air your dirty laundry in-thread either IC or OOC. If you and another RPer lock horns over something, its time to take it to PM's. Don't carry on an OOC argument with that person while still attempting to roleplay. Its very distracting and others don't need to bear witness to it.

  • DON'T -- talk in "l33t" or chatspeak. Some people fall back on the fact that they just can't spell very well. Hard to believe, but you CAN not spell correctly and still manage to sound somewhat intelligent without resorting to near-unreadable posts. Remember: Its YOUR right to talk however you choose, but its OUR right not to take you seriously.
  • <insert teh graphic here>

    The Spotlight is an award we issue once a month to a max of 3 shops. While browsing the breedables forum, if we happen to notice that your shop has either improved drastically, or is just plain awesome, we will give you "TEH SPOTLIGHT" trophy, and a link to your shop will be placed in this post until it is time for the next shop to be chosen. You may place the award graphic in your thread, as proof that you have been given it. 4laugh

    <img src="http://www.demire.net/junk/trophy.gif">
    (this is a sample, the real trophies have names on them.)
    This Month's Winner -- Nivanya

    For Their Shop -- Lyrix

    They Have Recieved Our Award For -- Outstanding uniqueness in concept, a nice thread layout, general kindness to adopters, and good organization! Congratulations!

    HOW DO I APPLY? -- You don't! biggrin We issue this award based on shops that we come across that we feel are worthy of recieving it. If we like your shop, you'll recieve our award. Just as a hint, PMing us asking to be chosen will really lessen your chances...even if your shop IS nice. ninja

    HOW WILL I KNOW IF I'VE WON? -- Most likely, you'll recieve a PM from me with your brand spankin' new trophy in it and a heap of congratulations from all of us here at the Info Sticky 3nodding

    MY SHOP IS POPULAR, WHY HAVEN'T I WON YOUR AWARD?? -- Because popularity doesn't always equal uniqueness and individuality. This is not to say your pets aren't GOOD. If they're popular, then they must be. That's just not what we base giving this award on

    WHY IS TEH SPOTLIGHT A N00B ACCOUNT? -- This is because first of all, all 5 of us have access to this account, so if we happen to notice a shop we have the ability to edit the post. Secondly, we chose a n00b looking avatar and name because we want to stress that our opinions are unbiased, and the shops that get the spotlight award are shops that truly deserve it based on their level of improvement, their individuality, or their kindness.

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